New Process Analysis

how to create new Process Mining Analysis.

new Analysis

To create a Process Analysis:

  1. Click + Analysis.
  2. Follow the steps of the Wizard in order to create a new entry in the Process analysis table
  3. Track the Lifecycle of the Process analysis, until it reaches the Ready state
  4. Click on "View Analytics" to start visual process mining

Import Wizard

import new Data Sets to analyse

Step 1 name & description

Enter a name and description for the New Analysis

Step 2 data source type

Select the type of data source

Step 3 parsing options

define parsing options depend on the type of data source

Step 4 data source columns

select columns from the source data correspond to the expected data

Step 5 datetime format

define used datetime format of data source

Step 6 review

review of previous selections

Last modified November 19, 2020: add docs (aa77885)