What is the Business Value?

Process mining allows you to identify anomalies, bottlenecks, compliance issues, and to provide recommendations for solving any discovered issues.

Once identified counter measures are in place, the process mining analysis can be rerun to track and measure the impact of the changes. In fact, process mining should not be thought of as a one-off project, but more as a continuous process hygiene helping the business.

Given the critical nature of processes in digital transformation programs, process mining can often be seen as the first step towards optimization, given its ability to discover, at scale, how processes are effectively running, before re-engineering them.

Process mining gives business two things:

  • Objectivity
  • Direction

It helps you quantify the inefficiencies and tell you what to change first, for maximum impact and cost saving to the business.

Business value, Augmented Operational Insight

  • Improve end-to-end process visibility
  • Compare the real process with designed process to identify the root causes of process inefficiencies (compliance analysis)
  • See company’s performance in real time through KPI dashboard
  • Easy and fast detection of bottlenecks on regular basis
  • Identify best process analysis and improvement approaches
  • Ensure a more efficient operational monitoring
  • Reduce costs and time to discover processes as they are executed

Last modified November 23, 2020: new docs (786e3b3)