
Process Analysis Lifecycle

What is the Process Analysis Lifecycle

Once created using the wizard, Process analysis may follow the list of statuses below.

  • Added: Initial status after creation from the wizard. Once Added, the analysis goes directly to the Process Mining status.
  • Process Mining: Once here, the computation of the process mining algorithm(s) is sent to the backend.
  • Ready: Process Mining has been successfully completed and analysis is ready to view analytics.
  • Not Ready: Process Mining has terminated with errors. Those errors should be reviewed and the analysis should be edited and re-run.
  • Archived: This is like a read only mode. the analysis can see be viewed but not modified.
  • Purged: Analysis is marked for removal and should be removed automatically from the list.
  • Completed: This terminate status means the analysis can be permanently deleted from the system.

  • Note: in State ‘Process Mining’, a progress bar is visible on the status to track the overall progress. Once completed, the analysis goes automatically either in Ready ot Not Ready status.

    Last modified November 23, 2020: new docs (786e3b3)