
Details about different case types in Discover

What are Investigations

An investigation is a result of a negative finding in the process mining analysis. Ir represents an issue, or a potential area of improvement, that cannot be ignored and needs to be reported to case resolvers. A typical investigation follows a process that start from initial verification, investigation of the root cause, qualification of the issue (confirmed or false positive) and finally a resolution in the form of counter measures that will take effect and be checked again in the next round of procss mining.

What are the Investigation Types

Two investigation types are possible:

  • Compliance
  • Improvements
  • What is Compliance

    A Compliance investigation is an issue discovered during the process mining analysis that needs to be reported and tracked until resolution.

    What is Improvement

    An Improvement investigation is proposal made by the process stakeholder to improve a certain area of the process, following inefficiencies discovered during the process mining analysis.

    Last modified November 19, 2020: add docs (aa77885)