WebXR Exploration

Exploration on upcoming WebXR technology

ARTwalker Splash, Login, and Ingame Screen

Join us for an AR experience while you stretch your legs during a break. Learn how WebXR and TIBCO technology can be leveraged to use AR to interact with the world around you. The more you walk, the more interactions you will capture, and the long-distance that you will accrue. Check in real-time to our leader-board.

All implemented in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript + GTLF 3D Objects.

Get Started

WebXR comes with the benefits of no native App need to get downloaded, you can run the Game directly from a URL. On the other Hand WebXR is very early technology, means it is not yet supported by all kind of browsers and Devices by today. Next, WebXR and AR in general consumes a lot of processing and battery power.

All you need is a smartphone or tablet that support AR. (Android ARcore | Apple ARkit)


Android devices will need to have the latest version of the Chrome browser (v85+) installed.
Just follow this URL ARTwalker or scan the QR-Code below.


iOS devices will need to download the WebXR Viewer 2.0 app build by Mozilla from the Apple app store.
Just follow this URL ARTwalker (https://bit.ly/2ZiKODx)

QR Code


here a little sequence of how the Gameplay looks in this technology demo.

ARTwalker Gameplay

Some of the key features and capabilities of ARTWalker are:

  • Unique account detection (no passwords)
  • Tracking of Client IP for fraud prevention/detection
  • GPS tracking capabilities
  • GPS distance checking and distance walked counting
  • GPS speed checking (reject request when traveling to fast)
  • AR space distance checking
  • Challenge points counting
  • Remembering returning Users
  • A full analysis of results via Spotfire dashboard

Techology Overview

This is the architecture behind the ARTwalker application, with all used and connected TIBCO Cloud Components.

ARTwalker Backend

Hosted App

static browser-based Augmented Reality App hosted on AWS S3 with AWS CloudFront.

API Gateway

TIBCO Mashery to avoid CORS, Security and Throttling issues, and to handle a huge number of potential end-users using the mobile App.

Integration Layer

TIBCO Cloud Integration Flogo micro service for user creation, collect updates, and fraud detection, e.g. we don’t allow

  • to quick updates on the same location (relax at least 1 minute, before updating the next location)
  • to set geo-marker to close together
  • to set geo-marker to far
  • speed faster than 25 km/h (you should walk, or use a bike)
  • to switch the Client IP more than 3 times back to the same (to avoid device hopping between locations)

all configurable using Flogo Service Properties.

No-Code Data Layer

TIBCO Cloud Live Apps to store user stats, states, and profile, incl. case-actions.
All Data is made available to TIBCO Cloud Spotfire using standard Connectors.

Spotfire Dashboard

All the data generated is fed into a dashboard which will display the location of all the participants as well as the overall results that identify the top participants.

ARTwalker Dashboard

Last modified August 30, 2021: add CiC exploration (598277c0)