IoT Exploration

Exploration on IoT in XR

Trolley Demo

Exploration on a “digital twin” Experiences.

Everybody can see at the same time, the same behavior of a moving trolley, including the temperature and vibration, coming from the device itself of from one of the App users.

All implemented in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Some of the key features and capabilities are:

  • moving trolley animation
  • user can kick to trolley
  • when 3 times ‘kicked’ it stops moving
  • incoming FTL message animation
  • updated temperature on the trolley box

all working on Mobile Devices, Desktop Browser, inside TIBCO Spotfire Analytics, or even Hololens 2.

Techology Overview

This is the architecture behind the application, with all used and connected TIBCO Cloud Components.


Hosted App

static browser-based Web App hosted on AWS S3 with AWS CloudFront.


TIBCO Cloud Messaging to allow shared XR/VR/AR Experiences in realtime.

Project AIR

The Project based on EdgeX Foundry, filter, and transform messages coming from MQTT, and send/retrieve them as content based messages to and from TIBCO Cloud Messaging - FTL.

Last modified March 21, 2022: update on explorations (8b863bc6)