Process Mining Exploration

Exploration on Process Mining in XR

Diagram Screenshot

Exploration on browsing Nimbus Folders and Diagrams in XR, VR, AR.
All Diagrams created by using TIBCO LABS Project Discover, the Process Mining Solution on TIBCO Cloud.

All implemented in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Some of the key features and capabilities are:

  • browse folders
  • navigate back to root folders
  • open a diagram
  • select and focus to one flow activity
  • open a specific Diagram via process id in the App URL

all working on Mobile Devices, Desktop Browser, inside TIBCO Spotfire Analytics, or even Hololens 2.

Techology Overview

This is the architecture behind the application, with all used and connected TIBCO Cloud Components.


Hosted App

static browser-based Web App hosted on AWS S3 with AWS CloudFront.


TIBCO Cloud Messaging to allow shared XR/VR/AR Experiences in realtime.

Integration Layer

TIBCO Cloud Integration Flogo micro service listen to events from Messaging and provide feeedback

Flogo flow

Nimbus API

public Cloud API provide access to diagrams and folders.

Last modified March 21, 2022: update on explorations (8b863bc6)