Configuring Device Groups

Configuring Device Groups - How to configure messaging protocols and data store targets for data.


Once a Device Grouping has been created, a connection has been established with Edgex devices and now we wil show you how to configure Messaging Protocos and Data Stores that will be used to receive and store data from devices. The following steps will guide you through the configuration of messaging protocols and data stores.


Prerequisite 1: Edgex

Edgex is a vendor neutral open source platform at the edge of the network that interacts with physical devices, sensors, actuators and other IoT objects. It enables the interoperability between devices and applications at the edge and at the cloud.

Every running Edgex platform will provide one or more Service to export data from the edge. From a running instance of Edgex, gather the following information from each of the available Export Services:

  • Transport used: MQTT, Kafka or TCM
  • Connection URL
  • Connection credentials

Prerequisite 2: Data Store Information

Device data can be stored in one or several data stores depending on the use case requirements. Gather the following information for each data store:

  • Connection URL
  • Connection Credentials

Prerequisite 3: Data Store Table Setup

For each required data store, the user needs to configure the datastate and create tables to store the data. Project AIR provides scripts with SQL commands to create the required artifacts.

Following is an example sql script to create the artifact for a Postgres Database. Postgres SQL script

Accessing Endpoints Configuration

Step 1: From the Gateways page, select the Device Group you want to configure.

Step 2: Click the Endpoints Configuration button.

Gateway Endpoint Config image

Step 3: The Endpoint configuration page should be displayed.

Gateway Endpoint Config image

Adding Messaging Protocols

Step 1: Select the desired protocol from the pulldown menu under the Protocol Details panel

Adding Protocol MQTT1 image

Step 2: Enter required information for the selected protocol

Adding Protocol MQTT2 image

Step 2: Click the Add Protocol button. The new protocol configuration should be shown in the Inbound Protocols panel

Adding Protocol MQTT2 image

Adding Data Stores

Step 1: Click the Data Stores tab

Step 2: Select the desired data store from the pulldown menu under the DataStore Details panel

Adding DS Dgraph1 image

Step 3: Enter required information for the selected data store

Adding DS Dgraph2 image

Step 4: Click the Add Data Store button. The new data store configuration should be shown in the Data Stores panel

Adding Protocol MQTT2 image

Last modified December 3, 2020: add project docs-src (9d6dd4b)