Start the UI

Run the UI locally


The following steps will guide you through the configuration and how to run the UI locally.


Prerequisite 1: Git

Air’s UI is located in a github repository:

Prerequisite 2: npm

Air’s UI is an angular application that uses npm to install dependencies:

Prerequisite 3: TIBCO Live Apps subscription (Free trial available)

Project Air makes use of TIBCO Live Apps user management and application hosting capabilities, for a free trial please go to the page:

Running Steps

Step 1: clone UI

git clone

Step 2: configure UI endpoints

In this steps we are connecting the UI to Air’s infrastructure endpoints

First: Get minikube ip

minikube ip

Second: Get the service list

minikube service list

You should see something like this:

|      NAMESPACE       |                NAME                |    TARGET PORT     |             URL             |
| default              | kubernetes                         | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-air-app-manager-service   | appmanager-http/80 | |
| default              | minikube-air-cors-anywhe-service   | ca-http/80         | |
| default              | minikube-dgraph-alpha              | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-dgraph-alpha-headless     | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-dgraph-ratel              | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-dgraph-zero               | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-dgraph-zero-headless      | No node port       |
| default              | minikube-mosquitto-service         | mosquitto/443      | |
| kube-system          | ingress-nginx-controller-admission | No node port       |
| kube-system          | kube-dns                           | No node port       |
| kubernetes-dashboard | dashboard-metrics-scraper          | No node port       |
| kubernetes-dashboard | kubernetes-dashboard               | No node port       |

Then, let’s use those endpoints to configure the UI.

Open the file and replace the following entries at the end of the json file with the endpoints from previous step.

Replace <Add-Your-ingress-nginx-controller-Enpoint-Here> with the ip you got from ‘minikube ip’ command in step 2.

  "/edgex/remotegateway/*": {
    "target": "http://<Add-Your-air-cors-anywhere-service-Enpoint-Here>",
    "secure": false,
    "changeOrigin": true,
    "logLevel": "info",
    "pathRewrite":{"^/edgex/remotegateway" : ""}
  "/airEndpoint/*": {
    "target": "http://<Add-Your-ingress-nginx-controller-Enpoint-Here>",
    "secure": "false",
    "changeOrigin": true,
    "logLevel": "info",
    "pathRewrite":{"^/airEndpoint" : ""}

Step 3: npm install

cd labs-air-ui
npm install

Step 4: start the UI

npm run serve_us

Congratulations!! Project Air UI is started on https://localhost:4200

Last modified December 3, 2020: add project docs-src (9d6dd4b)