Infrastructure Config

Infrastructure Configuration


Project Air’s infrastructure is mainly composed of helm charts that run on a kubernetes cluster, which makes overriding the default configuration very simple.

How to override configuration

During “air install” or “air upgrade-charts” commands a values.yml file can be passed as a parameter that will override the default configuration (more information about helm values files here).

In order to pass the values.yml file 2 things are needed:

1.- Mount your “values.yml” file using the docker option -v, more info about docker volumes here

2.- Pass –values flag to “air install” or “air upgrade-charts” command

For example to increase the mosquitto pod number create a file called override-values.yml

    replicaCount: 2

Then use that file when calling “air install” or “air upgrade-charts”

Command example overriding default values:

docker run -e MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip) -it --network host -v ${HOME}/.minikube:/.minikube -v ${HOME}/.kube:/.kube -v /path/to/override-values/folder:/values -e MINIKUBE_HOST_OS=mac tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli air install --values /values/override-values.yaml

Note: -v /path/to/override-values/folder:/values (Will mount your override-values.yml inside the container)

Note: –values /values/override-values.yaml (Parameter with the file path that will override the helm values)

Last modified December 3, 2020: add project docs-src (9d6dd4b)