Install infrastructure on Minikube

Installation of Project Air on your computer using Minikube


The following steps will guide you through the full infrastructure installation on Minikube.


Prerequisite 1: Docker

Air’s CLI is wrapped in a docker container to ease the installation process:

Prerequisite 2: Minikube

All the infrastructure components needed for Project Air will be installed in your provided minikube cluster

More information to install minikube here

Installation Steps

Step 1: start minikube

minikube start

Note: make sure your driver is correct and that the minikube installation is correct as indicated here

Step 2: enable ingress

minikube addons enable ingress

IMPORTANT: Make sure your ingress-nginx-controller is running!!, you can wait a couple of minutes or you can check it by running:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Step 3: pull minikube cli

docker pull tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli

Step 4 [FOR MAC USERS]: call install command on cli

In one terminal

kubectl proxy --port=8080 --disable-filter=true

In a different terminal

docker run -e MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip) -e MINIKUBE_HOST_OS=mac -it --network host -v ${HOME}/.minikube:/.minikube -v ${HOME}/.kube:/.kube tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli air install

Step 4 [FOR LINUX USERS]: call install command on cli

In one terminal

kubectl proxy --port=8080

In a different terminal

docker run -e MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip) -e MINIKUBE_HOST_OS=linux -it --network host -v ${HOME}/.minikube:/.minikube -v ${HOME}/.kube:/.kube tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli air install

Step 4 [FOR WINDOWS USERS]: call install command on cli

In one terminal

kubectl proxy --port=8080 --disable-filter=true

In a different terminal

docker run -e MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip) -e MINIKUBE_HOST_OS=windows -it --network host -v ${HOME}/.minikube:/.minikube -v ${HOME}/.kube:/.kube tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli air install

Step 5 [optional]: check installation

This command will allow you to connect to the kubernetes cluster to see the different components

minikube dashboard

Congratulations!! Project Air infrastructure has been installed

Uninstallation Steps

Step 1: pull minikube cli

docker pull tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli

Step 2: call delete command on cli

docker run -it -v ${HOME}/.minikube:/.minikube -v ${HOME}/.kube:/.kube tibcosoftware/labs-air-minikube-cli air delete

Step 3: delete minikube

Note: This installation deletes the Kubernetes cluster.

minikube delete

Last modified February 1, 2021: Add env variable to enable LINUX builds (f658126)