Install infrastructure on AWS

Installation of Project Air on Amazon Web Services (AWS)


The following steps will guide you through the full infrastructure installation on Amazon Web Services.

by installing on AWS, remember there are some usage costs associated to it.


Prerequisite 1: Docker

Air’s CLI is wrapped in a docker container to ease the installation process:

Prerequisite 2: AWS Account Information

All the infrastructure components needed for Project Air will be installed in your provided AWS account, you will need the following information to install it:

Your AWS access and secret keys: More information here

Installation Steps

Step 1: pull aws cli

docker pull tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli

Step 2: call install command on cli

Note: This installation installs a Kubernetes cluster using EKS in your aws account so it takes around ~20minutes to finish.

docker run -it tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli air install

Enter the AWS information when prompted (Note: To avoid prompt look at the Advanced install configuration section here)

Please enter your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:

Please enter your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY:

Step 3 [optional]: check installation

This command will allow you to connect to the kubernetes cluster to see the different components

docker run -it -p 8001:8001 tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli air dashboard

Copy the token printed in the terminal

And follow the dashboard link also printed in the terminal

Congratulations!! Project Air infrastructure has been installed

Advanced install configuration

There is a way to avoid being prompted for your credentials as well as adding advanced configuration.

You need to create a config.yaml file with the following content:


Then just mount a volume with the config.yaml file when calling the cli for example:

docker run -it -v /path/to/config/file/:/configuration tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli air install

Advanced configuration for Assuming a different role

Add the following entry to the config.yaml file:

  ...<Your previous configuration goes here>...
  AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN: "<Add your Role ARN>"
  AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_DURATION: "<Add your session duration for example 3600>"

Note that the role session duration also implies how often you need to “air upgrade-charts” refresh the token

Advanced configuration for choosing a different cluster name

Sometimes if you are shareing an AWS account you want to choose a different kubernetes cluster name.

  ...<Your previous configuration goes here>...
  KUBE_CLUSTER_NAME: "<Your cluster name>"

Uninstallation Steps

Step 1: pull aws cli

docker pull tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli

Step 2: call delete command on cli

Note: This installation deletes the Kubernetes cluster.

docker run -it tibcosoftware/labs-air-aws-cli air delete

Enter the AWS information when prompted (Note: To avoid prompt look at the Advanced install configuration section here)

Please enter your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:

Please enter your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY:



If you get a message similar to this

[✖]  creating CloudFormation stack "eksctl-air-cluster-cluster": AlreadyExistsException: Stack [eksctl-air-cluster-cluster] already exists
        status code: 400, request id: a4eba6b2-bd4a-475d-b3a1-93fc6cfd5d1f

This means that there is an already existing cluster with that name the solution is:

1.- Delete the cluster, go here for more information.

2.- Create a cluster with a different name, go here for more information.

Last modified December 3, 2020: add project docs-src (9d6dd4b)