Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication


Project Air provides with basic authentication out of the box, this basic auth can be configured and even removed if desired.

Note: It is highly encouraged to change the default basic authentication secrets to your own secrets.

How to override default basic auth configuration

In order to override the basic auth configuration the following is needed

Step 1.- Create a new secret overriding the basic auth values

To create your new secret in a terminal create the auth file (Replace with your username for example admin)

htpasswd -c auth <YourDesiredUsername>
base64 auth

Step 2.- Override secret on install or upgrade

In this step we are going to use secret created in Step 1.

Create a new override-values.yml file as defined in here with the current content:

  secret: <AddYourSecretHere>

Step 3.- Use the new override-values.yaml to install or upgrade air infrastructure

More information about overriding values here

Step 4.- Change UI to use new BasicAuth http headers

Open labs-air-ui/src/app/services/auth/auth.service.ts and replace the line with your base64 header.

this.basicAuthHeaders = {
        'Authorization': 'Basic <AddYourBase64BasicAuthHere>'

Last modified December 3, 2020: add project docs-src (9d6dd4b)