RESTful Service

This application illustrates how to use RESTful Services API for querying TIBCO® Graph Database

Create TGDB Connection


Create Application


Create Flow for querying Metadata

Configure flow inputs and outputs

  • input sample
    "queryType" : ""
  • output sample
    "queryResult": {
        "content": {},
        "success": true,
        "error": {
            "code": 101,
            "message": "Not found"

Add activities

  • Activity 1 : GraphBuilder_TGDB -> TGDBQuery

  • Activity 2 : Default -> Return

Add a trigger (Receive HTTP Message)

  • output


  • reply


sample :

    "queryResult": {
        "content": {},
        "success": true,
        "error": {
            "code": 101,
            "message": "Not found"

Create Flow for Querying Data

Configure flow inputs and outputs

  • input sample
    "queryType" : "",
    "language": "",
    "queryString": "",
    "traversalCondition": "",
    "endCondition": "",
    "traversalDepth": 1
  • output sample
    "queryResult": {
        "content": {},
        "success": true,
        "error": {
            "code": 101,
            "message": "Not found"

Add activities

  • Activity 1 : GraphBuilder_TGDB -> TGDBQuery

  • Activity 2 : Default -> Return

Add a trigger (Receive HTTP Message)

  • output

$trigger.pathParams.queryType and $trigger.body

sample :

  "query": {
  	"language" : "tgql",
    "queryString" : "@nodetype = 'houseMemberType' and memberName = 'Napoleon Bonaparte';",
    "traversalCondition" : "@edgetype = 'relation' and relation = 'spouse' and @isfromedge = 1 and @degree = 1;",
    "endCondition" : "",
	"traversalDepth" : 1
  • reply


sample :

    "queryResult": {
        "content": {},
        "success": true,
        "error": {
            "code": 101,
            "message": "Not found"

Implementation Source

stored on GitHub here.

This example is created in TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise 2.8.1 studio.

Last modified December 3, 2020: move docs (4458cdf)