Continuously testing Flogo activities

Depending on where you store the source code and how publicly you want to have the code available you have a few options to continuously testing Flogo activities. In this tutorial you’ll look at Jenkins when using a local git server and Travis-CI for activities on GitHub

What you’ll need

Flogo CLI

This demo makes use of the Flogo CLI. If you don’t have that one running yet, please check out Getting Started with the Flogo CLI

Jenkins & Travis-CI

You’ll need to have Jenkins set up, together with the Go plugin (Go version 1.10 or higher) and you’ll need an account to Travis-CI. An account for the latter is free, if you want to use it with Open Source repositories.

Need help

If you have any questions, feel free to post an issue on GitHub and tag it as a question or chat with the team and community:


The project structure we’ll use has separate folders for activities and triggers. A sample layout would look like this:

├───<Repo root>
│   └───activity
|   |   └───<my-activity>
|   |       |───<all my files>
│   └───trigger
|       └───<my-trigger>
|           |───<all my files>

For example, the Flogo Contrib repository looks like:

├─── flogo-contrib
│   └───a ctivity
|       └─── log
|           |───
|           |─── activity.go
|           |─── activity.json
|           |─── activity_test.go


Installing the Go Plugin

To get started with Go in Jenkins there is a great plugin that makes it all very easy. To install the Go Plugin for Jenkins go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins and search for Go Plugin on the Available tab. After that select Download now and install after restart to restart Jenkins.

After you’ve done that, it is time to select the version of Go you want to use for the builds. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration and look for the Go section. Click on the button Go installations… and specify a name for your installation. The name itself doesn’t have any significance, but it will make it a lot easier to find the right one later on. Check the box for Install automatically and select the version you want to have installed. After that click Apply follows by Save.

Configuring the build job

Within Jenkins create a New Item and select a Freestyle project. Since repositories can have multiple activities, you can select a parameterized project.

In the Build Environment section you need to check two boxes:

  • Delete workspace before build starts: This makes sure you always start with fresh code and nothing lingers around;
  • Set up Go programming language tools: This was added by the Go Plugin and lets you pick the Go version you configured earlier (this is where the name comes in).

In the Build section add a new build step that executes a shell command. The shell command will take care of getting the dependencies and executing the test cases:

## Go get the Project Flogo dependencies
go get
go get

## Go get the test dependencies
go get

## Find all the activities and run the test cases for them
for path in ./activity/*; do
    [ -d "${path}" ] || continue # if not a directory, skip
    dirname="$(basename "${path}")"

    ## Run the test cases
    go test ./activity/$dirname


For code that exists on GitHub there are a lot of options (including Jenkins), but let’s look at Travis-CI. Travis-CI is continuous integration for projects hosted on GitHub and provides automation for testing building and deploying. They have quite a good Getting Started guide, so this tutorial skips that part of the setup and dives right into it.

As you push your code to GitHub, the only additional file you need for Travis-CI to work is a file called .travis.yml (and you’ll need to turn on the builds from the Travis Web UI).

## We don't need elevated privileges
sudo: false

## The language should be Go and we'll use version 1.8.3
language: go
- 1.10

## The below statement skips all branches that start with a 'v' (e.g. v1) so that we can have working branches that get committed.
  - /^v.*/

## Install the dependencies we need
- go get
- go get
- go get

## The script is the same as it was in Jenkins, though joined to be a single line
- for path in ./activity/*; do [ -d "${path}" ] || continue; dirname="$(basename "${path}")"; go test ./activity/$dirname; done; zip -r ./activity/ ./connector/