
After getting up and running you might want to try your hand at some more advanced labs and tutorials. These labs provide you with a guides, tutorials and code samples and will help you work through building and deploying Flogo apps. The labs cover a wide range of topics like deploying to Kubernetes, using Flogo with the Serverless Framework and a bunch more! The colors of the cards have a meaning:

Flogo CLI

These labs have an emphasis on using the Flogo CLI to build apps


Flogo CLI
Project Flogo provides two different command-line interfaces and which you need depends on the task you need to execute. This tutorial covers the 'flogo' command


AWS Lambda
Flogo has first class support for AWS Lambda. This tutorial covers building Lambda apps using the Flogo CLI


Building activities
Building new activities to extend the capabilities of Project Flogo is definitely not the most difficult thing on the planet. In fact, it's rather easy to get you started!


Building triggers
Triggers make it possible for Flogo to get data. How do you get started building a trigger, though? Check this tutorial to build a simple trigger.


Build using Go
Cheesecakes are important! In fact, we believe perhaps the most important thing, right after Flogo. In this tutorial you'll build a cheesecake service using the Go API.


Streams: Aggregate
Learn how to use the JSON DSL to build streaming pipelines using the power of Flogo.


Streams: Filter
Learn how to use the JSON DSL to build a simple streaming pipelines, using the power of Flogo, that filters out all zeros.

Flogo Web UI

These labs have an emphasis on using the Flogo Web UI to build apps


Timers are great to schedule stuff, and a great way to learn new technology! Use this lab to get familiar with some of the concepts of Flogo!


Hello World
Hello World! This lab will walk you through building your first API with Project Flogo


Who doesn't like a good book? But what if you really need to get some information about a book first? In that case you build a Flogo app that uses Google APIs to that!


Raspberry Pi
Flogo runs perfectly on these small devices, and in this lab you'll build a sample to read and write data to the GPIO pins of the device to control your home lights!


A device shadow is a digital representation in the cloud that stores and retrieves current state information for a device using AWS IoT.


Invoice Service
Let's build an invoiceservice! In this tutorial we'll walk you through building an app with several community-driven activities and talks to other services as well.


Payment Service
Who doesn't want to know when payments are coming in? This service generates a payment date that can be used by the invoiceservice or standalone.

External tools

These labs have an emphasis on using external tools together with Project Flogo, like Kubernetes or the Serverless Framework


Kubernetes is probably the most wellknown container orchestration platform out there. In this demo you explore how to run Flogo apps on Kubernetes.


Flogo apps are ultralight, so building docker images is not only really easy, because it can embed all dependencies it can also run inside of super small containers.


Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry is an open-source platform as a service (PaaS) that provides you with a choice of clouds, developer frameworks, and application services (like Flogo!).


Serverless Framework
Developers never have to worry about provisioning or maintaining servers, and only have to create the code that they need to power their next business idea!


Secure comms with PubNub: Building microservices is cool, having them talk to each other is awesome! But in today's world, you can't be too careful when it comes to your data.


IoT apps
Flogo can run almost anywhere. Take this lab to get yourself familiar with how to develop IoT apps using the Flogo CLI.


Deploying apps to a BeagleBone


Intel Edison
Deploying apps to an Edison


Raspberry Pi (IoT)
Deploying apps to a Raspberry Pi


CI/CD for Activities
A CI/CD pipeline is really important for proper a proper test and build cycle. This tutorial walks you through how to do that with Jenkins and Travis for Flogo activities.


SAM provides a model to build Serverless apps for AWS. It also provides an easy way of testing your apps without deploying to AWS Lambda all the time...