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Overview List

available Pattern Apps

Pattern Apps are Pre-built applications connected with one or more TIBCO Cloud Service Offerings as a ready to use Solution Template and available as Source for Developers on GitHub and NPM.

To preview Pattern Apps with in your Subscription, try our Pattern App Library.
Just enter your target Region and target LiveApps Subscription oAuth Key.

We offer as well a preview mode, so that you can see what we have in the Library.

Home App

You created multiple custom Web Applications, and you host them as TIBCO Cloud Live Apps Web Resources? In this case, this Home App can provide you easy access and simple upload/delete functionalities.


This App is available via Pattern App Library - quick and easy to install, see above!

Base App

App contains the essentials for you to build your TIBCO Cloud solution from scratch, including authorization and navigation to standard configuration options.


Case Manager App

App contains all kind of Case Management Features like Case Search, Case Details, Case Actions, Audit Trails, Case Notes, Collaboration, etc. This Pattern App is very TIBCO Cloud LiveApps centric.


Analytics App

App contains Analytics Features like open a Dashboard, get selected Data from the Dashboard, etc. This Pattern App is very TIBCO Cloud Spotfire centric.


Discover App

The Process Mining App allows Analysts to discover, learn, improve, and predict process behaviors based on event log data produced by operational systems.
This App is not available as a reusable NPM Template, yet!



Watch out for very soon upcoming additional Apps:

  • Messaging App ... as a real-time Client

more to be added over time.