Getting started

This page describe how to develop single independent Project Flogo contribution

The contribution includes activity, trigger, function,

I will take Log activity, REST Trigger and json function as example below.


Component Technology Filename Description
Model JSON descriptor.json The descriptor.json describes the model, the meta data, of the activity. It describes, among other things, what the input and outputs are, who built it and which version you’re using.
Runtime Go activity.go Every extension must write the runtime code in Go (activity.go). You can, and really should, leverage the Go testing framework for writing unit test cases (activity_test.go) for your extension.
Runtime dependence go.mod go.mod The go.mod file describes all dependencies requires for this activity and the model name. Note here: The module name should be the ref of the contribution.


Component Technology Filename Description
Model JSON descriptor.json The descriptor.json describes the model, the meta data, of the trigger. It describes, among other things, what the trigger settings, handlers andoutputs are, who built it and which version you’re using.
Runtime Go trigger.go Every extension must write the runtime code in Go (trigger.go). You can, and really should, leverage the Go testing framework for writing unit test cases (trigger_test.go) for your extension.
Runtime dependence go.mod go.mod The go.mod file describes all dependencies requires for this trigger and the contribution model name. Note here: The module name should be the ref of the contribution.
  • Note For activity and trigger
  • The suffix of module name in go.mod file must be the activity or trigger name. Take Log Activity as example, the name must be log


Component Technology Filename Description
Model JSON descriptor.json The descriptor.json describes the model, the meta data, of the function. it describe function name, argument and output which expected type.
Runtime Go functioName.go Every extension must write the runtime code in Go (functionName.go). You can, and really should, leverage the Go testing framework for writing unit test cases (functionName_test.go) for your extension.
Runtime dependence go.mod go.mod The go.mod file describes all dependencies requires for this function and the function model name. Note here: The module name should be the ref of the contribution.
  • Note
  • The suffix of module name in go.mod file must be the function category name. Take JSON as example, the name must be json
  • The folder name of the function must be category name.
  • The root name of field in descriptor.json must be category name as well.
  • Each functions name in descriptor.json must match the name that return from runtime go code Name method
func (fnPath) Name() string {
  return "path"


All contribution must be registered into engine in each own go init function. Please check Log Activity Init, Rest Trigger Init and Json function init

Supported model type

Please refer to here for all supported types in flogo

Folder Layout

The layout of your folder has to follow a specific structure.

│ <activity name>
│        └───activity.go
│        └───descriptor.json
│        └───go.mod

│ <trigger name>
│        └───trigger.go
│        └───descriptor.json
│        └───go.mod

│   └───function.go
│   └───descriptor.json
│   └───go.mod
  • Note
  • Please note that all names of activities/trigger and connectors should be in lowercase
  • For local Go code testing purpose, please create ref dir under your ${GOPATH}/src/${ref}, such as:
