Edit Trigger


Now let’s go to trigger folder ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/tibco/Template/src/app/Template/trigger/trigger1

  • descriptor.json -> Model file which has all fields for the trigger
  • trigger.go -> Activity runtime code
  • metadata.go -> Activity runtime module code,which has all field in activity.json. You can keep this file or move all code into activity.go. it’s upto you.
  • trigger_test.go -> Activity runtime testing code
  • trigger1.module.ts -> UI module code
  • trigger1Handler.ts -> UI contribution handle code


  • Add/Edit/Delete fields in activity.json to show on activity ui page.
  • If #1 fields requires for runtime, you have to added them in metadata.go for runtime.
  • If you need add validation or new added field, please add into trigger1Handle.ts

Trigger Wizard

The wizard defines at root display section, and all fields need show on wizard need add wizard section by each fields. img.png

Below code must be done in action code to copy all fields value from wizard to trigger. img_1.png

Auto Mapping

It also possible to do auto filled mapping from trigger to flow input or flow input to trigger by doing in ts code under action
