Environment Prerequisites

all Dovetail Environment Requirements

Hyperledger Fabric Requirements

Hyperledger Fabric SDK

If you are developing for Hyperledger Fabric, below is a link to its installation instructions.


Golang is needed to create and build the chaincode, you can find the installation details here:

Setup GOPATH environment variable

export GOPATH=${HOME}/go

Flogo CLI

Flogo is needed to create and build the chaincode, you can find the installation details here:

R3 Corda Requirements

Java Programming Language and Tools

If you are developing for R3 Corda you will need Java runtime.

If you are developing for R3 Corda, following jars must be available in your local or public Maven Repository.

        <version>[0.2.0, )</version>

Project Dovetail™ library for R3 Corda is available here, run following command to install it to your local Maven repository

mkdir dovetail_corda
cd dovetail_corda
curl -OL https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/dovetail-contrib/releases/download/v0.2.0/dovetail-corda-0.2.0.jar
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -DgeneratePom=true -DgroupId=com.tibco.dovetail -DartifactId=dovetail-corda -Dversion=0.2.0 -Dfile=dovetail_corda_v0.2.0.jar -Dpackaging=jar

Last modified February 10, 2020: New docs with TCI (843c31c)