Dovetail CLI

generate smart contracts for a given model


The dovetail cli is a tool to mainly generate smart contracts for a given model built using ui tool Dovetail UI, so we recommend you to learn how to do that first.

Before you get started

Before you can get started with the cli tools you need to make sure you have the Go programming language and git installed. Go v1.13.x is required.

Don’t forget to set your GOPATH variable and make sure that $GOPATH/bin is part of your PATH (see here or here for more details)

Installing the cli tools

Copy and paste the following commands to install Project Dovetail™ commandline tool.

curl -sSfL v0.2.0 | sh

The binary dovetail will be in your dovetail-cli/bin directory. You can add /path/to/dovetail-cli/bin/dovetail to your PATH env variable for easier access.

Installation Tutorial Video

Last modified February 10, 2020: New docs with TCI (843c31c)