the metadata of the table
the table's data size in bytes
Returns a InMemoryFileIndex for this table restricted to the subset of partitions specified by the given partition-pruning filters.
Returns a InMemoryFileIndex for this table restricted to the subset of partitions specified by the given partition-pruning filters.
partition-pruning filters
Returns the list of files that will be read when scanning this relation.
Returns the list of files that will be read when scanning this relation. This call may be very expensive for large tables.
Returns all valid files grouped into partitions when the data is partitioned.
Returns all valid files grouped into partitions when the data is partitioned. If the data is unpartitioned, this will return a single partition with no partition values.
The filters used to prune which partitions are returned. These filters must
only refer to partition columns and this method will only return files
where these predicates are guaranteed to evaluate to true
. Thus, these
filters will not need to be evaluated again on the returned data.
Schema of the partitioning columns, or the empty schema if the table is not partitioned.
Schema of the partitioning columns, or the empty schema if the table is not partitioned.
Refresh any cached file listings
Refresh any cached file listings
Returns the list of root input paths from which the catalog will get files.
Returns the list of root input paths from which the catalog will get files. There may be a single root path from which partitions are discovered, or individual partitions may be specified by each path.
the table's data size in bytes
the table's data size in bytes
the metadata of the table
A FileIndex for a metastore catalog table.