Thrown when a query fails to analyze, usually because the query itself is invalid.
Thrown when a query fails to analyze, usually because the query itself is invalid.
Rule to collapse the partial and final aggregates if the grouping keys match or are superset of the child distribution.
Rule to collapse the partial and final aggregates if the grouping keys match or are superset of the child distribution. Also introduces exchange when inserting into a partitioned table if number of partitions don't match.
A column that will be computed based on the data in a DataFrame
A column that will be computed based on the data in a DataFrame
A new column is constructed based on the input columns present in a dataframe:
df("columnName") // On a specific DataFrame. col("columnName") // A generic column no yet associated with a DataFrame. col("columnName.field") // Extracting a struct field col("`a.column.with.dots`") // Escape `.` in column names. $"columnName" // Scala short hand for a named column. expr("a + 1") // A column that is constructed from a parsed SQL Expression. lit("abc") // A column that produces a literal (constant) value.
Column objects can be composed to form complex expressions:
$"a" + 1 $"a" === $"b"
The internal Catalyst expression can be accessed via "expr", but this method is for debugging purposes only and can change in any future Spark releases.
A convenient class used for constructing schema.
A convenient class used for constructing schema.
Functionality for working with missing data in DataFrame
Functionality for working with missing data in DataFrame
Interface used to load a Dataset from external storage systems (e.g.
Interface used to load a Dataset from external storage systems (e.g. file systems,
key-value stores, etc). Use
to access this.
Statistic functions for DataFrame
Statistic functions for DataFrame
Interface used to write a Dataset to external storage systems (e.g.
Interface used to write a Dataset to external storage systems (e.g. file systems,
key-value stores, etc). Use Dataset.write
to access this.
A Dataset is a strongly typed collection of domain-specific objects that can be transformed in parallel using functional or relational operations.
A Dataset is a strongly typed collection of domain-specific objects that can be transformed
in parallel using functional or relational operations. Each Dataset also has an untyped view
called a DataFrame
, which is a Dataset of Row.
Operations available on Datasets are divided into transformations and actions. Transformations
are the ones that produce new Datasets, and actions are the ones that trigger computation and
return results. Example transformations include map, filter, select, and aggregate (groupBy
Example actions count, show, or writing data out to file systems.
Datasets are "lazy", i.e. computations are only triggered when an action is invoked. Internally,
a Dataset represents a logical plan that describes the computation required to produce the data.
When an action is invoked, Spark's query optimizer optimizes the logical plan and generates a
physical plan for efficient execution in a parallel and distributed manner. To explore the
logical plan as well as optimized physical plan, use the explain
To efficiently support domain-specific objects, an Encoder is required. The encoder maps
the domain specific type T
to Spark's internal type system. For example, given a class Person
with two fields, name
(string) and age
(int), an encoder is used to tell Spark to generate
code at runtime to serialize the Person
object into a binary structure. This binary structure
often has much lower memory footprint as well as are optimized for efficiency in data processing
(e.g. in a columnar format). To understand the internal binary representation for data, use the
There are typically two ways to create a Dataset. The most common way is by pointing Spark
to some files on storage systems, using the read
function available on a SparkSession
val people ="...").as[Person] // Scala Dataset<Person> people ="...").as(Encoders.bean(Person.class)); // Java
Datasets can also be created through transformations available on existing Datasets. For example, the following creates a new Dataset by applying a filter on the existing one:
val names = // in Scala; names is a Dataset[String] Dataset<String> names = p) ->, Encoders.STRING)); // in Java 8
Dataset operations can also be untyped, through various domain-specific-language (DSL) functions defined in: Dataset (this class), Column, and functions. These operations are very similar to the operations available in the data frame abstraction in R or Python.
To select a column from the Dataset, use apply
method in Scala and col
in Java.
val ageCol = people("age") // in Scala Column ageCol = people.col("age"); // in Java
Note that the Column type can also be manipulated through its various functions.
// The following creates a new column that increases everybody's age by 10. people("age") + 10 // in Scala people.col("age").plus(10); // in Java
A more concrete example in Scala:
// To create Dataset[Row] using SparkSession val people ="...") val department ="...") people.filter("age > 30") .join(department, people("deptId") === department("id")) .groupBy(department("name"), people("gender")) .agg(avg(people("salary")), max(people("age")))
and in Java:
// To create Datasetusing SparkSession
Dataset<Row> people ="..."); Dataset<Row> department ="..."); people.filter(people.col("age").gt(30)) .join(department, people.col("deptId").equalTo(department.col("id"))) .groupBy(department.col("name"), people.col("gender")) .agg(avg(people.col("salary")), max(people.col("age")));
A container for a Dataset, used for implicit conversions in Scala.
A container for a Dataset, used for implicit conversions in Scala.
To use this, import implicit conversions in SQL:
import sqlContext.implicits._
RDD that delegates calls to the base RDD.
RDD that delegates calls to the base RDD. However the dependencies and preferred locations of this RDD can be altered.
:: Experimental ::
Used to convert a JVM object of type T
to and from the internal Spark SQL representation.
:: Experimental ::
Used to convert a JVM object of type T
to and from the internal Spark SQL representation.
Encoders are generally created automatically through implicits from a SparkSession
, or can be
explicitly created by calling static methods on Encoders.
import spark.implicits._ val ds = Seq(1, 2, 3).toDS() // implicitly provided (spark.implicits.newIntEncoder)
Encoders are specified by calling static methods on Encoders.
List<String> data = Arrays.asList("abc", "abc", "xyz"); Dataset<String> ds = context.createDataset(data, Encoders.STRING());
Encoders can be composed into tuples:
Encoder<Tuple2<Integer, String>> encoder2 = Encoders.tuple(Encoders.INT(), Encoders.STRING()); List<Tuple2<Integer, String>> data2 = Arrays.asList(new scala.Tuple2(1, "a"); Dataset<Tuple2<Integer, String>> ds2 = context.createDataset(data2, encoder2);
Or constructed from Java Beans:
:: Experimental :: Holder for experimental methods for the bravest.
:: Experimental :: Holder for experimental methods for the bravest. We make NO guarantee about the stability regarding binary compatibility and source compatibility of methods here.
spark.experimental.extraStrategies += ...
:: Experimental ::
A class to consume data generated by a StreamingQuery
:: Experimental ::
A class to consume data generated by a StreamingQuery
. Typically this is used to send the
generated data to external systems. Each partition will use a new deserialized instance, so you
usually should do all the initialization (e.g. opening a connection or initiating a transaction)
in the open
Scala example:
datasetOfString.writeStream.foreach(new ForeachWriter[String] { def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = { // open connection } def process(record: String) = { // write string to connection } def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = { // close the connection } })
Java example:
datasetOfString.writeStream().foreach(new ForeachWriter<String>() { @Override public boolean open(long partitionId, long version) { // open connection } @Override public void process(String value) { // write string to connection } @Override public void close(Throwable errorOrNull) { // close the connection } });
Rule to insert a helper plan to collect information for other entities like parameterized literals.
Implicit class to easily invoke JDBC provider on SparkSession and avoid double query execution of pushdown queries (one for schema determination and other the actual query).
Implicit class to easily invoke JDBC provider on SparkSession and avoid double query execution of pushdown queries (one for schema determination and other the actual query).
Instead of:, "(pushdown query) q1", properties) one can simply do spark.snappyQuery(query). This will also register dialects that avoid double execution, use proper JDBC driver argument to avoid ClassNotFound errors. In addition this provides "snappyExecute" implicits for non-query executions that will return an update count.
Implicit class to easily invoke DataFrameWriter operations on SnappyData's JDBC provider.
Implicit class to easily invoke DataFrameWriter operations on SnappyData's JDBC provider.
Instead of: spark.write.jdbc(url, table, properties) one can simply do spark.write.snappy(table). This will also register dialects for proper type conversions, use proper JDBC driver argument to avoid ClassNotFound errors.
In future this will also provide spark.write.snappyPut(table) to perform a PUT INTO.
:: Experimental :: A Dataset has been logically grouped by a user specified grouping key.
:: Experimental ::
A Dataset has been logically grouped by a user specified grouping key. Users should not
construct a KeyValueGroupedDataset directly, but should instead call groupByKey
an existing Dataset.
The local mode which hosts the data, executor, driver (and optionally even jobserver) all in the same node.
Encapsulates result of a partition having data and number of rows.
Encapsulates result of a partition having data and number of rows.
Note: this uses an optimized external serializer for PooledKryoSerializer so any changes to this class need to be reflected in the serializer.
A set of methods for aggregations on a DataFrame
, created by Dataset.groupBy
A set of methods for aggregations on a DataFrame
, created by Dataset.groupBy
The main method is the agg function, which has multiple variants. This class also contains convenience some first order statistics such as mean, sum for convenience.
This class was named GroupedData
in Spark 1.x.
Represents one row of output from a relational operator.
Represents one row of output from a relational operator. Allows both generic access by ordinal, which will incur boxing overhead for primitives, as well as native primitive access.
It is invalid to use the native primitive interface to retrieve a value that is null, instead a
user must check isNullAt
before attempting to retrieve a value that might be null.
To create a new Row, use RowFactory.create()
in Java or Row.apply()
in Scala.
A Row object can be constructed by providing field values. Example:
import org.apache.spark.sql._ // Create a Row from values. Row(value1, value2, value3, ...) // Create a Row from a Seq of values. Row.fromSeq(Seq(value1, value2, ...))
A value of a row can be accessed through both generic access by ordinal, which will incur boxing overhead for primitives, as well as native primitive access. An example of generic access by ordinal:
import org.apache.spark.sql._ val row = Row(1, true, "a string", null) // row: Row = [1,true,a string,null] val firstValue = row(0) // firstValue: Any = 1 val fourthValue = row(3) // fourthValue: Any = null
For native primitive access, it is invalid to use the native primitive interface to retrieve
a value that is null, instead a user must check isNullAt
before attempting to retrieve a
value that might be null.
An example of native primitive access:
// using the row from the previous example. val firstValue = row.getInt(0) // firstValue: Int = 1 val isNull = row.isNullAt(3) // isNull: Boolean = true
In Scala, fields in a Row object can be extracted in a pattern match. Example:
import org.apache.spark.sql._ val pairs = sql("SELECT key, value FROM src") { case Row(key: Int, value: String) => key -> value }
Runtime configuration interface for Spark.
Runtime configuration interface for Spark. To access this, use SparkSession.conf
Options set here are automatically propagated to the Hadoop configuration during I/O.
The entry point for working with structured data (rows and columns) in Spark 1.x.
The entry point for working with structured data (rows and columns) in Spark 1.x.
As of Spark 2.0, this is replaced by SparkSession. However, we are keeping the class here for backward compatibility.
A collection of implicit methods for converting common Scala objects into Datasets.
A collection of implicit methods for converting common Scala objects into Datasets.
Encapsulates a DataFrame created after stratified sampling.
Encapsulates an RDD over all the cached samples for a sampled table.
Encapsulates an RDD over all the cached samples for a sampled table. Parallelizes execution using the hashmap segment configuration on the nodes with each partition handling one or more segments of the hashmap on a node.
Snappy SQL extensions.
Snappy SQL extensions. Includes:
Stratified sample tables: 1) ERROR ESTIMATE AVG: error estimate for mean of a column/expression 2) ERROR ESTIMATE SUM: error estimate for sum of a column/expression
Used to plan the aggregate operator for expressions using the optimized SnappyData aggregation operators.
Used to plan the aggregate operator for expressions using the optimized SnappyData aggregation operators.
Adapted from Spark's Aggregation strategy.
Base parsing facilities for all SnappyData SQL parsers.
Main entry point for SnappyData extensions to Spark.
Main entry point for SnappyData extensions to Spark. A SnappyContext extends Spark's org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext to work with Row and Column tables. Any DataFrame can be managed as SnappyData tables and any table can be accessed as a DataFrame. This integrates the SQLContext functionality with the Snappy store.
When running in the embedded mode (i.e. Spark executor collocated with Snappy data store), Applications typically submit Jobs to the Snappy-JobServer (provide link) and do not explicitly create a SnappyContext. A single shared context managed by SnappyData makes it possible to re-use Executors across client connections or applications.
SnappyContext uses a HiveMetaStore for catalog , which is persistent. This enables table metadata info recreated on driver restart.
User should use obtain reference to a SnappyContext instance as below val snc: SnappyContext = SnappyContext.getOrCreate(sparkContext)
Provide links to above descriptions
,document describing the Job server API
Base implementation of various dialect implementations for SnappyData.
The regular snappy cluster where each node is both a Spark executor as well as GemFireXD data store.
The regular snappy cluster where each node is both a Spark executor as well as GemFireXD data store. There is a "lead node" which is the Spark driver that also hosts a job-server and GemFireXD accessor.
The entry point to programming Spark with the Dataset and DataFrame API.
The entry point to programming Spark with the Dataset and DataFrame API.
In environments that this has been created upfront (e.g. REPL, notebooks), use the builder to get an existing session:
The builder can also be used to create a new session:
SparkSession.builder() .master("local") .appName("Word Count") .config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") .getOrCreate()
Converts a logical plan into zero or more SparkPlans.
Converts a logical plan into zero or more SparkPlans. This API is exposed for experimenting with the query planner and is not designed to be stable across spark releases. Developers writing libraries should instead consider using the stable APIs provided in org.apache.spark.sql.sources
This is for the two cluster mode: one is the normal snappy cluster, and this one is a separate local/Spark/Yarn/Mesos cluster fetching data from the snappy cluster on demand that just remains like an external datastore.
Manages a time epoch and how to index into it.
Plans scalar subqueries like the Spark's PlanSubqueries but uses customized ScalarSubquery to insert a tokenized literal instead of literal value embedded in code to allow generated code re-use and improve performance substantially.
A Column where an Encoder has been given for the expected input and return type.
A Column where an Encoder has been given for the expected input and return type.
To create a TypedColumn, use the as
function on a Column.
The input type expected for this expression. Can be Any
if the expression is type
checked by the analyzer instead of the compiler (i.e. expr("sum(...)")
The output type of this column.
Functions for registering user-defined functions.
Functions for registering user-defined functions. Use SparkSession.udf
to access this:
The user-defined functions must be deterministic.
:: Experimental :: Methods for creating an Encoder.
:: Experimental :: Methods for creating an Encoder.
This SQLContext object contains utility functions to create a singleton SQLContext instance, or to get the created SQLContext instance.
This SQLContext object contains utility functions to create a singleton SQLContext instance, or to get the created SQLContext instance.
It also provides utility functions to support preference for threads in multiple sessions scenario, setActive could set a SQLContext for current thread, which will be returned by getOrCreate instead of the global one.
Default dialect for SnappyData using pooled client Driver.
Default dialect for SnappyData using pooled client Driver.
Default dialect for GemFireXD >= 1.4.0.
Default dialect for GemFireXD >= 1.4.0. Contains specific type conversions to and from Spark SQL catalyst types.
Contains API classes that are specific to a single language (i.e.
Contains API classes that are specific to a single language (i.e. Java).
Catalyst is a library for manipulating relational query plans.
Catalyst is a library for manipulating relational query plans. All classes in catalyst are considered an internal API to Spark SQL and are subject to change between minor releases.
The physical execution component of Spark SQL.
The physical execution component of Spark SQL. Note that this is a private package. All classes in catalyst are considered an internal API to Spark SQL and are subject to change between minor releases.
Functions available for DataFrame operations.
Functions available for DataFrame operations.
Support for running Spark SQL queries using functionality from Apache Hive (does not require an existing Hive installation).
Support for running Spark SQL queries using functionality from Apache Hive (does not require an existing Hive installation). Supported Hive features include:
Users that would like access to this functionality should create a HiveContext instead of a SQLContext.
All classes in this package are considered an internal API to Spark and are subject to change between minor releases.
Implicit conversions used by Snappy.
A set of APIs for adding data sources to Spark SQL.
Contains a type system for attributes produced by relations, including complex types like structs, arrays and maps.
Allows the execution of relational queries, including those expressed in SQL using Spark.