final classGenerateFlatIterator[A, U] extends Iterator[A] with AutoCloseable
An iterator that will keep generating iterators by invoking a given function
and return a flattened iterator. Typically useful to generate an
iterator on top of an arbitrary source where source size or structure is
not pre-determined (e.g. source may not have flatMap/fold or such methods).
Use the GenerateFlatIterator.TERMINATE token to indicate end of iteration.
Linear Supertypes
AutoCloseable, Iterator[A], TraversableOnce[A], GenTraversableOnce[A], AnyRef, Any
An iterator that will keep generating iterators by invoking a given function and return a flattened iterator. Typically useful to generate an iterator on top of an arbitrary source where source size or structure is not pre-determined (e.g. source may not have flatMap/fold or such methods).
Use the GenerateFlatIterator.TERMINATE token to indicate end of iteration.