



package optimizer

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CheckCartesianProducts(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable


    Check if there any cartesian products between joins of any type in the optimized plan tree.

    Check if there any cartesian products between joins of any type in the optimized plan tree. Throw an error if a cartesian product is found without an explicit cross join specified. This rule is effectively disabled if the CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED flag is true.

    This rule must be run AFTER the ReorderJoin rule since the join conditions for each join must be collected before checking if it is a cartesian product. If you have SELECT * from R, S where R.r = S.s, the join between R and S is not a cartesian product and therefore should be allowed. The predicate R.r = S.s is not recognized as a join condition until the ReorderJoin rule.

  2. case class EliminateOuterJoin(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable


    Elimination of outer joins, if the predicates can restrict the result sets so that all null-supplying rows are eliminated

    Elimination of outer joins, if the predicates can restrict the result sets so that all null-supplying rows are eliminated

    - full outer -> inner if both sides have such predicates - left outer -> inner if the right side has such predicates - right outer -> inner if the left side has such predicates - full outer -> left outer if only the left side has such predicates - full outer -> right outer if only the right side has such predicates

    This rule should be executed before pushing down the Filter

  3. case class GetCurrentDatabase(sessionCatalog: SessionCatalog) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with Product with Serializable


    Replaces the expression of CurrentDatabase with the current database name.

  4. case class InferFiltersFromConstraints(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable


    Generate a list of additional filters from an operator's existing constraint but remove those that are either already part of the operator's condition or are part of the operator's child constraints.

    Generate a list of additional filters from an operator's existing constraint but remove those that are either already part of the operator's condition or are part of the operator's child constraints. These filters are currently inserted to the existing conditions in the Filter operators and on either side of Join operators.

    Note: While this optimization is applicable to all types of join, it primarily benefits Inner and LeftSemi joins.

  5. case class OptimizeCodegen(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with Product with Serializable


    Optimizes expressions by replacing according to CodeGen configuration.

  6. case class OptimizeIn(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with Product with Serializable


    Optimize IN predicates: 1.

    Optimize IN predicates: 1. Removes literal repetitions. 2. Replaces (value, seq[Literal]) with optimized version (value, HashSet[Literal]) which is much faster.

  7. abstract class Optimizer extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan]


    Abstract class all optimizers should inherit of, contains the standard batches (extending Optimizers can override this.

  8. case class PruneFilters(conf: CatalystConf) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper with Product with Serializable


    Removes filters that can be evaluated trivially.

    Removes filters that can be evaluated trivially. This can be done through the following ways: 1) by eliding the filter for cases where it will always evaluate to true. 2) by substituting a dummy empty relation when the filter will always evaluate to false. 3) by eliminating the always-true conditions given the constraints on the child's output.

  9. class SimpleTestOptimizer extends Optimizer


Value Members

  1. object BooleanSimplification extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Simplifies boolean expressions: 1.

    Simplifies boolean expressions: 1. Simplifies expressions whose answer can be determined without evaluating both sides. 2. Eliminates / extracts common factors. 3. Merge same expressions 4. Removes Not operator.

  2. object CollapseProject extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Combines two adjacent Project operators into one and perform alias substitution, merging the expressions into one single expression.

  3. object CollapseRepartition extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Combines adjacent Repartition and RepartitionByExpression operator combinations by keeping only the one.

    Combines adjacent Repartition and RepartitionByExpression operator combinations by keeping only the one. 1. For adjacent Repartitions, collapse into the last Repartition. 2. For adjacent RepartitionByExpressions, collapse into the last RepartitionByExpression. 3. For a combination of Repartition and RepartitionByExpression, collapse as a single RepartitionByExpression with the expression and last number of partition.

  4. object CollapseWindow extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Collapse Adjacent Window Expression.

    Collapse Adjacent Window Expression. - If the partition specs and order specs are the same and the window expression are independent, collapse into the parent.

  5. object ColumnPruning extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Attempts to eliminate the reading of unneeded columns from the query plan.

    Attempts to eliminate the reading of unneeded columns from the query plan.

    Since adding Project before Filter conflicts with PushPredicatesThroughProject, this rule will remove the Project p2 in the following pattern:

    p1 @ Project(_, Filter(_, p2 @ Project(_, child))) if p2.outputSet.subsetOf(p2.inputSet)

    p2 is usually inserted by this rule and useless, p1 could prune the columns anyway.

  6. object CombineFilters extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Combines two adjacent Filter operators into one, merging the non-redundant conditions into one conjunctive predicate.

  7. object CombineLimits extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Combines two adjacent Limit operators into one, merging the expressions into one single expression.

  8. object CombineTypedFilters extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Combines two adjacent TypedFilters, which operate on same type object in condition, into one, mering the filter functions into one conjunctive function.

  9. object CombineUnions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Combines all adjacent Union operators into a single Union.

  10. object ComputeCurrentTime extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Computes the current date and time to make sure we return the same result in a single query.

  11. object ConstantFolding extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Replaces Expressions that can be statically evaluated with equivalent Literal values.

  12. object ConvertToLocalRelation extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Converts local operations (i.e.

    Converts local operations (i.e. ones that don't require data exchange) on LocalRelation to another LocalRelation.

    This is relatively simple as it currently handles only a single case: Project.

  13. object DecimalAggregates extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Speeds up aggregates on fixed-precision decimals by executing them on unscaled Long values.

    Speeds up aggregates on fixed-precision decimals by executing them on unscaled Long values.

    This uses the same rules for increasing the precision and scale of the output as org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.DecimalPrecision.

  14. object EliminateSerialization extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes cases where we are unnecessarily going between the object and serialized (InternalRow) representation of data item.

    Removes cases where we are unnecessarily going between the object and serialized (InternalRow) representation of data item. For example back to back map operations.

  15. object EliminateSorts extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes no-op SortOrder from Sort

  16. object FoldablePropagation extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Propagate foldable expressions: Replace attributes with aliases of the original foldable expressions if possible.

    Propagate foldable expressions: Replace attributes with aliases of the original foldable expressions if possible. Other optimizations will take advantage of the propagated foldable expressions.

    SELECT 1.0 x, 'abc' y, Now() z ORDER BY x, y, 3
    ==>  SELECT 1.0 x, 'abc' y, Now() z ORDER BY 1.0, 'abc', Now()
  17. object LikeSimplification extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Simplifies LIKE expressions that do not need full regular expressions to evaluate the condition.

    Simplifies LIKE expressions that do not need full regular expressions to evaluate the condition. For example, when the expression is just checking to see if a string starts with a given pattern.

  18. object LimitPushDown extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Pushes down LocalLimit beneath UNION ALL and beneath the streamed inputs of outer joins.

  19. object NullPropagation extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Replaces Expressions that can be statically evaluated with equivalent Literal values.

    Replaces Expressions that can be statically evaluated with equivalent Literal values. This rule is more specific with Null value propagation from bottom to top of the expression tree.

  20. object PropagateEmptyRelation extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Collapse plans consisting empty local relations generated by PruneFilters.

    Collapse plans consisting empty local relations generated by PruneFilters. 1. Binary(or Higher)-node Logical Plans

    • Union with all empty children.
    • Join with one or two empty children (including Intersect/Except). 2. Unary-node Logical Plans
    • Project/Filter/Sample/Join/Limit/Repartition with all empty children.
    • Aggregate with all empty children and at least one grouping expression.
    • Generate(Explode) with all empty children. Others like Hive UDTF may return results.
  21. object PushDownPredicate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Pushes Filter operators through many operators iff: 1) the operator is deterministic 2) the predicate is deterministic and the operator will not change any of rows.

    Pushes Filter operators through many operators iff: 1) the operator is deterministic 2) the predicate is deterministic and the operator will not change any of rows.

    This heuristic is valid assuming the expression evaluation cost is minimal.

  22. object PushPredicateThroughJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Pushes down Filter operators where the condition can be evaluated using only the attributes of the left or right side of a join.

    Pushes down Filter operators where the condition can be evaluated using only the attributes of the left or right side of a join. Other Filter conditions are moved into the condition of the Join.

    And also pushes down the join filter, where the condition can be evaluated using only the attributes of the left or right side of sub query when applicable.

    Check for more details

  23. object PushProjectionThroughUnion extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Pushes Project operator to both sides of a Union operator.

    Pushes Project operator to both sides of a Union operator. Operations that are safe to pushdown are listed as follows. Union: Right now, Union means UNION ALL, which does not de-duplicate rows. So, it is safe to pushdown Filters and Projections through it. Filter pushdown is handled by another rule PushDownPredicate. Once we add UNION DISTINCT, we will not be able to pushdown Projections.

  24. object RemoveDispensableExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes nodes that are not necessary.

  25. object RemoveLiteralFromGroupExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes literals from group expressions in Aggregate, as they have no effect to the result but only makes the grouping key bigger.

  26. object RemoveRedundantAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Remove redundant aliases from a query plan.

    Remove redundant aliases from a query plan. A redundant alias is an alias that does not change the name or metadata of a column, and does not deduplicate it.

  27. object RemoveRedundantProject extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Remove projections from the query plan that do not make any modifications.

  28. object RemoveRepetitionFromGroupExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes repetition from group expressions in Aggregate, as they have no effect to the result but only makes the grouping key bigger.

  29. object ReorderAssociativeOperator extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Reorder associative integral-type operators and fold all constants into one.

  30. object ReorderJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Reorder the joins and push all the conditions into join, so that the bottom ones have at least one condition.

    Reorder the joins and push all the conditions into join, so that the bottom ones have at least one condition.

    The order of joins will not be changed if all of them already have at least one condition.

  31. object ReplaceDistinctWithAggregate extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Replaces logical Distinct operator with an Aggregate operator.

    Replaces logical Distinct operator with an Aggregate operator.

    SELECT DISTINCT f1, f2 FROM t  ==>  SELECT f1, f2 FROM t GROUP BY f1, f2
  32. object ReplaceExceptWithAntiJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Replaces logical Except operator with a left-anti Join operator.

    Replaces logical Except operator with a left-anti Join operator.

    SELECT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 EXCEPT SELECT b1, b2 FROM Tab2
    ==>  SELECT DISTINCT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 LEFT ANTI JOIN Tab2 ON a1<=>b1 AND a2<=>b2

    Note: 1. This rule is only applicable to EXCEPT DISTINCT. Do not use it for EXCEPT ALL. 2. This rule has to be done after de-duplicating the attributes; otherwise, the generated join conditions will be incorrect.

  33. object ReplaceExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Finds all RuntimeReplaceable expressions and replace them with the expressions that can be evaluated.

    Finds all RuntimeReplaceable expressions and replace them with the expressions that can be evaluated. This is mainly used to provide compatibility with other databases. For example, we use this to support "nvl" by replacing it with "coalesce".

  34. object ReplaceIntersectWithSemiJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Replaces logical Intersect operator with a left-semi Join operator.

    Replaces logical Intersect operator with a left-semi Join operator.

    ==>  SELECT DISTINCT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 LEFT SEMI JOIN Tab2 ON a1<=>b1 AND a2<=>b2

    Note: 1. This rule is only applicable to INTERSECT DISTINCT. Do not use it for INTERSECT ALL. 2. This rule has to be done after de-duplicating the attributes; otherwise, the generated join conditions will be incorrect.

  35. object RewriteCorrelatedScalarSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    This rule rewrites correlated ScalarSubquery expressions into LEFT OUTER joins.

  36. object RewriteDistinctAggregates extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    This rule rewrites an aggregate query with distinct aggregations into an expanded double aggregation in which the regular aggregation expressions and every distinct clause is aggregated in a separate group.

    This rule rewrites an aggregate query with distinct aggregations into an expanded double aggregation in which the regular aggregation expressions and every distinct clause is aggregated in a separate group. The results are then combined in a second aggregate.

    For example (in scala):

    val data = Seq(
      ("a", "ca1", "cb1", 10),
      ("a", "ca1", "cb2", 5),
      ("b", "ca1", "cb1", 13))
      .toDF("key", "cat1", "cat2", "value")
    val agg = data.groupBy($"key")

    This translates to the following (pseudo) logical plan:

       key = ['key]
       functions = [COUNT(DISTINCT 'cat1),
                    COUNT(DISTINCT 'cat2),
       output = ['key, 'cat1_cnt, 'cat2_cnt, 'total])
      LocalTableScan [...]

    This rule rewrites this logical plan to the following (pseudo) logical plan:

       key = ['key]
       functions = [count(if (('gid = 1)) 'cat1 else null),
                    count(if (('gid = 2)) 'cat2 else null),
                    first(if (('gid = 0)) 'total else null) ignore nulls]
       output = ['key, 'cat1_cnt, 'cat2_cnt, 'total])
         key = ['key, 'cat1, 'cat2, 'gid]
         functions = [sum('value)]
         output = ['key, 'cat1, 'cat2, 'gid, 'total])
           projections = [('key, null, null, 0, cast('value as bigint)),
                          ('key, 'cat1, null, 1, null),
                          ('key, null, 'cat2, 2, null)]
           output = ['key, 'cat1, 'cat2, 'gid, 'value])
          LocalTableScan [...]

    The rule does the following things here: 1. Expand the data. There are three aggregation groups in this query:

    1. the non-distinct group; ii. the distinct 'cat1 group; iii. the distinct 'cat2 group. An expand operator is inserted to expand the child data for each group. The expand will null out all unused columns for the given group; this must be done in order to ensure correctness later on. Groups can by identified by a group id (gid) column added by the expand operator. 2. De-duplicate the distinct paths and aggregate the non-aggregate path. The group by clause of this aggregate consists of the original group by clause, all the requested distinct columns and the group id. Both de-duplication of distinct column and the aggregation of the non-distinct group take advantage of the fact that we group by the group id (gid) and that we have nulled out all non-relevant columns the given group. 3. Aggregating the distinct groups and combining this with the results of the non-distinct aggregation. In this step we use the group id to filter the inputs for the aggregate functions. The result of the non-distinct group are 'aggregated' by using the first operator, it might be more elegant to use the native UDAF merge mechanism for this in the future.

    This rule duplicates the input data by two or more times (# distinct groups + an optional non-distinct group). This will put quite a bit of memory pressure of the used aggregate and exchange operators. Keeping the number of distinct groups as low a possible should be priority, we could improve this in the current rule by applying more advanced expression canonicalization techniques.

  37. object RewritePredicateSubquery extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    This rule rewrites predicate sub-queries into left semi/anti joins.

    This rule rewrites predicate sub-queries into left semi/anti joins. The following predicates are supported: a. EXISTS/NOT EXISTS will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved conditions in Filter will be pulled out as the join conditions. b. IN/NOT IN will be rewritten as semi/anti join, unresolved conditions in the Filter will be pulled out as join conditions, value = selected column will also be used as join condition.

  38. object SimpleTestOptimizer extends SimpleTestOptimizer


    An optimizer used in test code.

    An optimizer used in test code.

    To ensure extendability, we leave the standard rules in the abstract optimizer rules, while specific rules go to the subclasses

  39. object SimplifyBinaryComparison extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Simplifies binary comparisons with semantically-equal expressions: 1) Replace '<=>' with 'true' literal.

    Simplifies binary comparisons with semantically-equal expressions: 1) Replace '<=>' with 'true' literal. 2) Replace '=', '<=', and '>=' with 'true' literal if both operands are non-nullable. 3) Replace '<' and '>' with 'false' literal if both operands are non-nullable.

  40. object SimplifyCaseConversionExpressions extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes the inner case conversion expressions that are unnecessary because the inner conversion is overwritten by the outer one.

  41. object SimplifyCasts extends Rule[LogicalPlan]


    Removes Casts that are unnecessary because the input is already the correct type.

  42. object SimplifyConditionals extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper


    Simplifies conditional expressions (if / case).
