A parent class for mutable container objects that are reused when the values are changed,
resulting in less garbage. These values are held by a SpecificInternalRow.
The following code was roughly used to generate these objects:
val types = "Int,Float,Boolean,Double,Short,Long,Byte,Any".split(",")
types.map {tpe =>
final class Mutable$tpe extends MutableValue {
var value: $tpe = 0
def boxed = if (isNull) null else value
def update(v: Any) = value = {
isNull = false
def copy() = {
val newCopy = new Mutable$tpe
newCopy.isNull = isNull
newCopy.value = value
types.map { tpe =>
override def set$tpe(ordinal: Int, value: $tpe): Unit = {
val currentValue = values(ordinal).asInstanceOf[Mutable$tpe]
currentValue.isNull = false
currentValue.value = value
override def get$tpe(i: Int): $tpe = {
A parent class for mutable container objects that are reused when the values are changed, resulting in less garbage. These values are held by a SpecificInternalRow.
The following code was roughly used to generate these objects: