How it works
Centralized cloud service
Project Notify is a cloud service leveraging a serverless architecture for scalability and cost effectiveness.
Project Notify maintains the notification configurations for your organization by saving information about
- your organization hierarchy : groups, sub groups, roles.
- memberships : who belongs to the groups.
- notification rules : which notification to create based on event received.
Project Notify exposes a documented secured REST API.
The API is protected by an OAuth token that you obtain though you TIBCO Cloud administration OAuth Access Token Management.
Sending notifications
Your applications can either
- send a notification message to a list of individuals or groups
- send a basic event to Project Notify which will use it to trigger configured notifications using the templates you have defined.
Note that individual can also send notification using Project Notify client mobile app.
The notification messages can be task reminders, decisions or simple informational notes.
Notification lifecycle
Project Notify is handling the notification lifecycle for you. For example a decision or task can be delegated : Project Notify API is supporting this use case and our client app makes it easy for a user to delegate a task, keep an eye on what is going on and get notified when the delegated task is done.
In case of a request for a decision, the list of options exposed to the user is configurable. An approval will probably have approve and reject options, but it is up to the application to decide on the possible responses.
Getting notifications statuses and responses
Project Notify is using a mechanism of webhook so that your application can receive events about the notification lifecycle including of course the result of decisions or the statuses of requested tasks.
The control center UI
The Control Center is an intuitive web interface to configure the solution including organizational model, notification rules and message templates.
The Mobile application client
Project Notify exposes a preferred notification channel for employees through the notification dashboard client.
The notification dashboard displays an aggregated view of all notifications received.
User can access different views to discover unread notifications, decisions or tasks, check what is due today to this week, snooze, refuse or delegate notifications. Views of what has been already completed or delegated are also available.
The notification dashboard helps users to stay up-to-date with their notifications by making it easy to act upon them using Do, Dismiss, Differ or Delegate actions (aka 4Ds methodology).
Project Notify dashboard is a web page which can be installed on your mobile phone as a PWA application offering users with a comprehensive view of all their notifications and effective ways to act on them.