TCLI TASK: export-shared-state
Downloads all shared state entries from the configured filter to the local file system.
This is useful to manage shared state on your local machine, the contents of the shared state will be stored in a separate JSON file.
The following properties in the cloud properties file are being used:
Filter for the shared state to manage (all shared states starting with this value will be managed)
Use ''(empty) or APPLICATION for the current application. Use * for all values, or use a specific value to apply a filter.
Possible values: (
The type of shared state to look at. Possible values: (PUBLIC | SHARED | PRIVATE)
Note that you can use ~{ORGANIZATION}, to use the current organization name in your folder.
For example:
Shared_State_Folder=./Shared_State (~{ORGANIZATION})/
Folder used for Shared State imports and exports
Double check actions on shared state (YES | NO)
If Shared_State_Double_Check is set to NO; Are you sure you want to export all the states above ?
Example Usage:
tcli export-shared-state
tcli export-shared-state -a YES
tcli export-shared-state-scope
Example Result:
TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) Type of Shared State: PUBLIC TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) Using OAUTH Authentication, ORGANIZATION: TIBCO LABS DEV Got Shared States: 207 TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) Total Number of Shared State Entries: 207 TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) Applying Shared State Filter: MyCloudApplication TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) Filtered Shared State Entries: 1 TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) [STORED CONTENT]: ./Shared_State/CONTENT/MyCloudApplication.PUBLIC.CONTENT.json TIBCO CLOUD CLI] (INFO) [STORED CONTEXT]: ./Shared_State/MyCloudApplication.PUBLIC.json