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Case Summary

Status Component Type

Renders case summary cards




This Component can be used by using the following HTML Tag:



Attribute Type Comments
borderCard boolean Whether to display a border around the card
caseRef string The case reference
configMode boolean Whether to use static data (ie. when in app config box)
configModeAppTypeLabel string static data for app config box
configModeCaseTypeColor string static data for app config box
configModeCaseTypeIcon string static data for app config box
configModeColor string static data for app config box
configModeIcon string static data for app config box
configModeUseCaseTypeColor boolean whether to use case type color for header bar
description string Card Description
displayType string case card format - list, card, miniCard, staticList (no click event)
highlight string Text to highlight in the list of cases (normall text that was searched)
sandboxId number sandboxId - this comes from claims resolver
typeBar boolean Whether to display the colored "bar" on a summary card (on left or top)
uiAppId string The Application ID of the UI (should ideally be unique as it is shared state key)
workitemId string Workitem Id
workitemName string Workitem Name


Attribute Type Comments
clickCase EventEmitter
Event clickCase Case clicked
Payload CaseRoute CaseRoute object output when case is clicked so calling component can route accordingly - ie. route to case
deleted EventEmitter
Event deleted Case Displayed has been deleted
Payload string string emitted when summary tries to load data for a case that has been deleted (so it can be hidden.removed from - for example recent cases list)

full development Documentation

Link to LiveAppsCaseSummaryComponent