




constructor(http: HttpClient, liveAppsService: LiveAppsService, caseCardConfigService: TcCaseCardConfigService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
http HttpClient No
liveAppsService LiveAppsService No
caseCardConfigService TcCaseCardConfigService No


Public getCaseDataByRefs
getCaseDataByRefs(sandboxId: number, caseRefs: string[])
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
caseRefs string[] No
Public getCaseState
getCaseState(caseRef: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
sandboxId number No
Returns : Observable<string>
Public getCaseWithSchema
getCaseWithSchema(caseRef: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, uiAppId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
uiAppId string No
Returns : Observable<CaseInfoWithSchema>
Public getMainCaseTypeFromSchema
getMainCaseTypeFromSchema(typeId: string, process: LaProcessSelection)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
typeId string No
process LaProcessSelection No
Returns : CaseType
Public purgeAllCases
purgeAllCases(applicationId: string, typeId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
applicationId string No
typeId string No
sandboxId number No
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {forkJoin, Observable, of, zip} from 'rxjs';
import {CaseInfo, CaseType, JsonSchema} from '../models/liveappsdata';
import {LiveAppsService} from './live-apps.service';
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
import {CaseInfoWithSchema, PurgeResult} from '../models/tc-case-data';
import {map, mergeMap, tap} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {TcCaseCardConfigService} from './tc-case-card-config.service';
import {LaProcessSelection} from '../models/tc-case-processes';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class TcCaseDataService {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient, private liveAppsService: LiveAppsService, private caseCardConfigService: TcCaseCardConfigService) { }

  public getMainCaseTypeFromSchema(typeId: string, process: LaProcessSelection): CaseType {
    let requestedType: CaseType;
    process.appSchema.casetypes.forEach((cType) => {
      if ( === typeId) {
        requestedType = cType;
    return requestedType;

  public getCaseState(caseRef: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<string> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases/' + caseRef + '/' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=s';
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfo => {
          const caseinf = new CaseInfo().deserialize(caseinfo);
          const state: string = caseinf.summaryObj.state;
          return state;

  public purgeAllCases(applicationId: string, typeId: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<PurgeResult> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases/?$sandbox=1930&$filter=applicationId eq 2550 and typeId eq 1 and purgeable eq TRUE';
    return this.http.delete(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(result => {
          return new PurgeResult().deserialize(result);

  public getCaseWithSchema(
    caseRef: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, uiAppId: string): Observable<CaseInfoWithSchema> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases/' + caseRef + '/' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=uc, m, s';
    // Make the two required API calls

    const caseSchema = this.liveAppsService.getCaseTypeSchema(sandboxId, appId, 100).pipe(
      tap(val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
      map(typesList => {
        // get schema for case type
        let requestedType: CaseType;
        typesList.casetypes.forEach((cType) => {
          if ( === typeId) {
            requestedType = cType;
        return requestedType;

    const caseData = this.http.get(url)
        tap(val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfo => {
          const caseinf = new CaseInfo().deserialize(caseinfo);
          return caseinf;

    // Combine the results of both calls into a single response
    const test1 = zip(caseSchema, caseData).pipe(
      map(caseInfoArray => {
        return new CaseInfoWithSchema().deserialize({ caseInfo: caseInfoArray[1], caseSchema: caseInfoArray[0].jsonSchema, applicationName: caseInfoArray[0].applicationName, applicationInternalName: caseInfoArray[0].applicationInternalName, name: caseInfoArray[0].name });
    return test1;

  public getCaseDataByRefs(sandboxId: number, caseRefs: string[]): Observable<CaseInfo[]> {
    const caseRefsList = caseRefs.join(',');
    const url = '/case/v1/cases' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId
      + '&$select=cr,uc,m,s'
      + '&$filter=caseReference in('
      + caseRefs + ')';
    return this.http.get(url).pipe(
      map((result: CaseInfo[]) => {
        const cases = [];
        result.forEach(res => {
          cases.push(new CaseInfo().deserialize(res));
        return cases;


result-matching ""

    No results matching ""