




constructor(http: HttpClient, location: Location, sharedStateService: TcSharedStateService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
http HttpClient No
location Location No
sharedStateService TcSharedStateService No


Public caseSearch
caseSearch(terms: Observable, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number, stateId: number, select?: string, hidePurgeable?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
terms Observable<string> No
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
skip number No
top number No
stateId number No
select string Yes
hidePurgeable boolean Yes
Public caseSearchEntries
caseSearchEntries(term: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, force: boolean, skip: number, top: number, stateId: number, select?: string, hidePurgeable?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
term string No
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
force boolean No
skip number No
top number No
stateId number No
select string Yes
hidePurgeable boolean Yes
Public checkAuth
checkAuth(key: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
key string No
Returns : Promise<any>
Public clearFromIconSVGTextCache
Parameters :
Name Optional
url No
Returns : void
Public createNote
createNote(relatedItemType: string, uiAppSource: string, relatedItemId: string, notificationLabel: string, notificationUrl: string, title: string, noteText: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
relatedItemType string No
uiAppSource string No
relatedItemId string No
notificationLabel string No
notificationUrl string No
title string No
noteText string No
Returns : Observable<number>
Public createReplyNote
createReplyNote(originalNote: Note, reply: string, noteId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
originalNote Note No
reply string No
noteId string No
Returns : Observable<number>
Public deleteAllNotes
Returns : void
Public deleteNote
deleteNote(noteId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
noteId number No
Returns : any
Public getApplications
getApplications(sandboxId: number, appIds: string[], top: number, useCache: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appIds string[] No
top number No
useCache boolean No
Returns : Observable<CaseTypesList>
Public getCase
getCase(caseRef: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
Public getCaseByRef
getCaseByRef(sandboxId, caseRef: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId No
caseRef string No
Public getCases
getCases(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
skip number No
top number No
Returns : Observable<CaseInfoList>
Public getCasesCount
getCasesCount(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
Returns : Observable<string>
Public getCasesWithUserInfo
getCasesWithUserInfo(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
skip number No
top number No
Returns : Observable<CaseInfoList>
Public getCaseTypeBasicInfo
getCaseTypeBasicInfo(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
typeId string No
top number No
Private getCaseTypeBasicInfoCached
getCaseTypeBasicInfoCached(url, typeId)
Parameters :
Name Optional
url No
typeId No
Returns : any
Public getCaseTypes
getCaseTypes(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number, allData?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
top number No
allData boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<CaseTypesList>
Public getCaseTypeSchema
getCaseTypeSchema(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
top number No
Returns : Observable<CaseTypesList>
Public getCaseTypeStates
getCaseTypeStates(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
top number No
Returns : Observable<CaseTypeStatesList>
Public getClaims
getClaims(disableCache?: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
disableCache boolean Yes
Returns : Observable<Claim>
Public getFavoriteCases
getFavoriteCases(uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Public getGroupMemberships
getGroupMemberships(sandboxId: number, userId: string, top: number, useCache: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
userId string No
top number No
useCache boolean No
Returns : Observable<Groups>
Public getGroups
getGroups(sandboxId: number, top: number, useCache: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
top number No
useCache boolean No
Returns : Observable<Groups>
Public getGroupUsers
getGroupUsers(sandboxId: number, groupId: string, skip: number, top: number, filter: string, useCache: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
groupId string No
skip number No
top number No
filter string No
useCache boolean No
Public getIconSVGText
getIconSVGText(url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string No
Returns : Observable<string>
Private getIconSVGTextCache
Parameters :
Name Optional
url No
Returns : any
Public getNote
getNote(noteId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
noteId number No
Returns : Observable<Note>
Public getNotesForCollections
Parameters :
Name Optional
collectionIds No
Returns : Observable<NotesList>
Public getNotifications
getNotifications(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId, userId)
Parameters :
Name Optional
relatedItemType No
relatedTypeId No
userId No
Returns : Observable<NotificationList>
Public getRecentCases
getRecentCases(uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Public getSandboxes
Returns : Observable<SandboxList>
Private getSSCasesList
getSSCasesList(ssName: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
ssName string No
sandboxId number No
Public getThread
getThread(relatedItemType: string, relatedItemId: string, threadId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
relatedItemType string No
relatedItemId string No
threadId number No
Returns : any
Public getThreads
getThreads(relatedItemType: string, itemTypeId: string, skip: number, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
relatedItemType string No
itemTypeId string No
skip number No
top number No
Returns : Observable<ThreadList>
Private getUserCached
Parameters :
Name Optional
url No
Returns : any
Public getUserInfo
getUserInfo(userId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
userId string No
Public getUsers
getUsers(sandboxId: number, top: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
top number No
Public isFavoriteCase
isFavoriteCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Returns : Observable<boolean>
Private newCasesRecord
newCasesRecord(caseRef: string, maxSize: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
maxSize number No
Returns : SharedStateContent
Public runProcess
runProcess(sandboxId: number, appId: string, processId: string, caseReference: string, data: any)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
appId string No
processId string No
caseReference string No
data any No
Returns : Observable<any>
Private setCasesRecord
setCasesRecord(ssName: string, caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number, maxSize: number, toggle: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
ssName string No
caseRef string No
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
maxSize number No
toggle boolean No
Returns : void
Public setFavoriteCase
setFavoriteCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Returns : void
Public setRecentCase
setRecentCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Returns : void
Public subscribeToNotes
subscribeToNotes(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId)
Parameters :
Name Optional
relatedItemType No
relatedTypeId No
Returns : any
Public unsetRecentCase
unsetRecentCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caseRef string No
uiAppId string No
sandboxId number No
Returns : void
Public unsubscribeToNotes
unsubscribeToNotes(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId, userId)
Parameters :
Name Optional
relatedItemType No
relatedTypeId No
userId No
Returns : any
Private updateCasesRecord
updateCasesRecord(casesContent: SharedStateContent, caseRef: string, toggle: Boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
casesContent SharedStateContent No
caseRef string No
toggle Boolean No
Returns : SharedStateContent
Public updateNote
updateNote(note: Note, noteId: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
note Note No
noteId string No
Returns : Observable<Note>


Private caseTypesCacheMap
Default value : new Map()
Private claimsCacheMap
Default value : new Map()
Private combinedSearch
Default value : () => {...}
Private iconSVGTextCacheMap
Default value : new Map()
Private userInfoCacheMap
Default value : new Map()
import { Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {forkJoin, Observable, of, throwError, zip} from 'rxjs';
import { HttpClientModule, HttpErrorResponse, HttpHeaders, HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import {
} from '../models/liveappsdata';
import {  DocumentList, Document} from '../models/tc-document';
import {
} from '@tibco-tcstk/tc-core-lib';
import {Groups} from '../models/tc-groups-data';
import {
  distinctUntilChanged, flatMap,
} from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Deserializable} from '@tibco-tcstk/tc-core-lib';
import {split} from 'ts-node';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {StateTrackerData} from '../models/tc-case-states';

  providedIn: 'root'

export class LiveAppsService {
  // these are 'per session' caches. They won't time out unless explicitly cleared or browser is refreshed
  private claimsCacheMap = new Map();
  private userInfoCacheMap = new Map();
  private caseTypesCacheMap = new Map();
  private iconSVGTextCacheMap = new Map();

    private http: HttpClient, private location: Location, private sharedStateService: TcSharedStateService) { }

  public checkAuth(key: string): Promise<any> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/claims';
    let headers;
    headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Authorization', ('Bearer ' + key));
    return this.http.get(url, { headers }).pipe(
      tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,

  public getSandboxes(): Observable<SandboxList> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/sandboxes';
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map ( sandboxList => new SandboxList().deserialize(sandboxList)));

  public getApplications(sandboxId: number, appIds: string[], top: number, useCache: boolean): Observable<CaseTypesList> {
    const select = 'b';
    let url = '/case/v1/types?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=' + select + '&$top=' + top;

    if (appIds && appIds.length > 0) {
      url = url + '&$filter=applicationId in(' + appIds.toString() + ') and isCase eq TRUE';
    // note: since this is cached it will require a reload to see new apps
    let headers;
    if (useCache) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    } else {
      headers = new HttpHeaders();

    return this.http.get(url, { headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(casetypes => {
          if (appIds && appIds.length > 0) {
            // This is to workaround a bug where non case type types are returned when > 1 appId
            const tmpCaseTypes = new CaseTypesList().deserialize(casetypes);
            const filteredCaseTypes = new CaseTypesList().deserialize( { casetypes: [] });

            tmpCaseTypes.casetypes.forEach(ctype => {
              if ( === '1') {
            return filteredCaseTypes;
          } else {
            return new CaseTypesList().deserialize(casetypes);

  public getClaims(disableCache?: boolean): Observable<Claim> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/claims';
    let headers;
    if (!disableCache) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map ( claim => new Claim().deserialize(claim)));

  public getCases(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number): Observable<CaseInfoList> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$filter=applicationId eq '
      + appId + ' and typeId eq ' + typeId + '&$skip=' + skip + '&$top=' + top;
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfos => new CaseInfoList().deserialize(caseinfos)));

  public getCasesWithUserInfo(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number): Observable<CaseInfoList> {
    return this.getCases(sandboxId, appId, typeId, skip, top).pipe(
      flatMap((caseinfos: CaseInfoList) => {
        // get userIds
        const calls$ = [];
        caseinfos.caseinfos.forEach(caseinfo => {
            map(([creator, modifier]) => {
              caseinfo.metadata.createdByDetails = creator;
              caseinfo.metadata.modifiedByDetails = modifier;
              return caseinfo;
        return forkJoin(calls$).pipe(
          map((caseinfosFilled: CaseInfo[]) => {
            caseinfos.caseinfos = caseinfosFilled;
            return caseinfos;

  public getCasesCount(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string): Observable<string> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$filter=applicationId eq '
      + appId + ' and typeId eq ' + typeId + '&$count=true';

    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(casecount => casecount.toString()));

  public getCaseByRef(sandboxId, caseRef: string): Observable<CaseInfo> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases/' + caseRef
      + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId;
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfo => new CaseInfo().deserialize(caseinfo))

  public getCase(caseRef: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string ): Observable<CaseInfo> {
    const url = '/case/v1/cases/' + caseRef + '/' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$filter=applicationId eq '
      + appId + ' and typeId eq ' + typeId + '&$select=uc, m';
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfo => new CaseInfo().deserialize(caseinfo)));

  public caseSearch(terms: Observable<string>, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, skip: number, top: number, stateId: number, select?: string, hidePurgeable?: boolean): Observable<CaseSearchResults> {
    return terms
        switchMap(term => this.caseSearchEntries(term, sandboxId, appId, typeId, false, skip, top, stateId, select, hidePurgeable))

  public caseSearchEntries(term: string, sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, force: boolean, skip: number, top: number, stateId: number, select?: string, hidePurgeable?: boolean): Observable<CaseSearchResults> {
      let url = '/case/v1/cases' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$filter=applicationId eq '
        + appId + ' and typeId eq ' + typeId;
      if (stateId) {
        url = url + ' and stateId eq ' + stateId;
      if (hidePurgeable) {
        url = url + ' and purgeable eq FALSE';
      url = url + '&$skip=' + skip + '&$top=' + top;
      if (select) {
        url = url + '&$select=' + select;
      } else {
        url = url + '&$select=cr';
      if (term || (!term && !force)) {
        url = url + '&$search=' + term;

    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(caseinfos => {
          const caserefs: string[] = [];
            const caseinfolist = new CaseInfoList().deserialize(caseinfos);
            caseinfolist.caseinfos.forEach(caseinfo => {
            return new CaseSearchResults().deserialize({
              caserefs: caserefs,
              caseinfos: caseinfolist.caseinfos,
              searchString: term });

  private combinedSearch = (appId: string[], sandboxId: number, term: string, force: boolean, skip: number, top: number, stateId: number): Observable<CaseSearchResults> => {
    // for each appId create an obervable
    const forkJoinArray$ = [];
    appId.forEach(app => {
      forkJoinArray$.push(this.caseSearchEntries(term, sandboxId, app, '1', force, skip, top, stateId));

    // run all three calls in parallel
    return forkJoin(forkJoinArray$).pipe(
      map(resultArr => {
        const results = new CaseSearchResults();
        results.searchString = term;
        // combine results into a single array
        resultArr.forEach((res: CaseSearchResults) => {
            results.caserefs = results.caserefs.concat(res.caserefs);
        return results;

  public getCaseTypes(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number, allData?: boolean): Observable<CaseTypesList> {
    let select = 'b,s,sa,a';
    if (allData) {
      select = 'b,a,sa,s,js,c,ac';
    let url = '/case/v1/types?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=' + select + '&$top=' + top;
    if (appId != null) {
      url = url + '&$filter=applicationId eq ' + appId;

    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(casetypes => new CaseTypesList().deserialize(casetypes)));

  public getCaseTypeSchema(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number): Observable<CaseTypesList> {
    //$sandbox=25&&$filter=applicationName eq 'Customer Complaint'&$select=b,js,c,ac
    const select = 'b,js,c,ac,a';
    let url = '/case/v1/types?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=' + select + '&$top=' + top;
    if (appId != null) {
      url = url + '&$filter=applicationId eq ' + appId;
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(casetypes => {
          const ct = new CaseTypesList().deserialize(casetypes);
          ct.casetypes.forEach(ctype => {
            if (ctype.actions) {
              ctype.actions.forEach(action => {
                // Format of ref is <applicationName>.<applicationInternalName>.<processType>.<processName>
                action.formTag = ctype.applicationName + '.' + ctype.applicationInternalName + '.action.' +;
                action.processType = 'action';
            if (ctype.creators) {
              ctype.creators.forEach(creator => {
                // Format of ref is <applicationName>.<applicationInternalName>.<processType>.<processName>
                creator.formTag = ctype.applicationName + '.' + ctype.applicationInternalName + '.creator.' +;
                creator.processType = 'creator';
          return ct;

    public getCaseTypeStates(sandboxId: number, appId: string, top: number): Observable<CaseTypeStatesList> {
        const select = 's';
        let url = '/case/v1/types?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=' + select  + '&$top=' + top;
        if (appId != null) {
            url = url + '&$filter=applicationId eq ' + appId;
        const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
        return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers })
        // return this.http.get(url)
                tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
                map(casetypestates => {
                  // const x = new CaseTypeStatesList().deserialize(casetypestates[0].states);
                  // return x;

                  const casetypelist = new CaseTypeStatesListList().deserialize(casetypestates);
                  let states: CaseTypeStatesList;
                  casetypelist.casetypes.forEach((casetype) => {
                    if (casetype.states !== undefined) {
                      states = new CaseTypeStatesList().deserialize(casetype.states);
                  return states;

    public getCaseTypeBasicInfo(sandboxId: number, appId: string, typeId: string, top: number): Observable<CaseType> {
        const select = 'b';
      let url = '/case/v1/types?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$select=' + select + '&$top=' + top;
      if (appId != null) {
        url = url + '&$filter=applicationId eq ' + appId;

      if (!this.caseTypesCacheMap.get(url)) {
        const cacheEntry$ = this.getCaseTypeBasicInfoCached(url, typeId)
        this.caseTypesCacheMap.set(url, cacheEntry$);
      return this.caseTypesCacheMap.get(url);

    private getCaseTypeBasicInfoCached(url, typeId) {
      const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
      return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers })
          tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
          map(casetypes => {
            const caseTypesList: CaseTypesList = new CaseTypesList().deserialize(casetypes);
            let requestedType: CaseType;
            caseTypesList.casetypes.forEach((casetype) => {
              if ( === typeId) {
                requestedType = casetype;
            return requestedType;

    public clearFromIconSVGTextCache(url) {
      if (this.iconSVGTextCacheMap.get(url)) {

    public getIconSVGText(url: string): Observable<string> {
      // todo: revisit the base href issue
      if (url.substr(0, 2) === '//') {
        url = url.substr(1, url.length - 1);
      url = url;
      if (!this.iconSVGTextCacheMap.get(url)) {
        // const fixedUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' +  + url;
        const cacheEntry$ = this.getIconSVGTextCache(url)
        this.iconSVGTextCacheMap.set(url, cacheEntry$);
      return this.iconSVGTextCacheMap.get(url);

    private getIconSVGTextCache(url) {
      const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
      return this.http.get(url, {responseType: 'text', headers: headers })
          map(val => {
              const svgContents = val.toString();
              return svgContents;

  private updateCasesRecord(casesContent: SharedStateContent, caseRef: string, toggle: Boolean): SharedStateContent {
    const sharedStateContent: SharedStateContent = new SharedStateContent().deserialize(casesContent);
    const casesRec: CaseList = JSON.parse(sharedStateContent.json);
    let existing = false;
      // check if already exists

    if (caseRef === '-1') {
      // clear list
        casesRec.caseRefs.length = 0;
    } else {
      if (casesRec.caseRefs.indexOf(caseRef) !== -1) {
        // remove it if it is already in the array
        casesRec.caseRefs.splice(casesRec.caseRefs.indexOf(caseRef), 1);
        existing = true;
      if (!toggle || existing === false) {
        // only add it if we are not in toggle mode (favorites) or if the caseRef didnt already exist in the list
        // now add case to front of array
        // check if we are > max size
        if (casesRec.maxSize !== -1 && casesRec.caseRefs.length > casesRec.maxSize) {
          // remove oldest entry
    sharedStateContent.json = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify(casesRec));
    return sharedStateContent;

  private newCasesRecord(caseRef: string, maxSize: number): SharedStateContent {
    const casesRec: CaseList = new CaseList();
    casesRec.maxSize = maxSize;
    if (caseRef === '-1') {
      casesRec.caseRefs = [ ];
    } else {
      casesRec.caseRefs = [caseRef];
    casesRec.uniqueKey = 'caseReference';
    const sharedStateContent: SharedStateContent = new SharedStateContent();
    sharedStateContent.json = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify(casesRec));
    return sharedStateContent;

  public getRecentCases(uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<CaseList> {
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.recentcases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    return this.getSSCasesList(ssName, sandboxId);

  private getSSCasesList(ssName: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<CaseList> {
    return this.sharedStateService.getSharedState(ssName, 'PRIVATE', false, false)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(sharedStateList => {
          if (sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries.length > 0) {
            return new CaseList().deserialize(JSON.parse(sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries[0].content.json));
          } else {
            return new CaseList();

  public unsetRecentCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number) {
    // NOTE: Use '-1' as caseRef to clear recent cases list
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.recentcases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    this.setCasesRecord(ssName, caseRef, uiAppId, sandboxId, 10, true);

  public setRecentCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number) {
    // NOTE: Use '-1' as caseRef to clear recent cases list
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.recentcases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    this.setCasesRecord(ssName, caseRef, uiAppId, sandboxId, 10, false);

  private setCasesRecord(ssName: string, caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number, maxSize: number, toggle: boolean) {
    // get cases list from shared state if any
    // update cases data removing oldest if > maxsize
    // set shared state
    let casesEntry: SharedStateEntry;
    this.sharedStateService.getSharedState(ssName, 'PRIVATE', false, false)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(sharedStateList => {
            casesEntry = sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries[0] || undefined;
            let content: SharedStateContent;
            if (casesEntry) {
              content = this.updateCasesRecord(casesEntry.content, caseRef, toggle);
              casesEntry.content = content;
              sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries[0] = casesEntry;
            } else {
              content = this.newCasesRecord(caseRef, maxSize);
              this.sharedStateService.createSharedState(ssName, 'PRIVATE', '', sandboxId, undefined, undefined, undefined, content).subscribe();
            return casesEntry;
      ).subscribe(null, error => console.log('Unable to set recent cases: ' + error));

  public getFavoriteCases(uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<CaseList> {
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.favoritecases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    return this.sharedStateService.getSharedState(ssName, 'PRIVATE', false, false)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(sharedStateList => {
          if (sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries.length > 0) {
            return new CaseList().deserialize(JSON.parse(sharedStateList.sharedStateEntries[0].content.json));
          } else {
            return new CaseList();

  public setFavoriteCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number) {
    // NOTE: Use '-1' as caseRef to clear recent cases list
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.favoritecases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    this.setCasesRecord(ssName, caseRef, uiAppId, sandboxId, -1, true);

  public isFavoriteCase(caseRef: string, uiAppId: string, sandboxId: number): Observable<boolean> {
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.favoritecases.tibcolabs.client.context.PRIVATE';
    return this.getSSCasesList(ssName, sandboxId)
        map(caselist => {
          return caselist.caseRefs ? (caselist.caseRefs.indexOf(caseRef) !== -1) : false;

  public runProcess(sandboxId: number, appId: string, processId: string, caseReference: string, data: any): Observable<any> {
    const url = '/process/v1/processes';
    // convert data to an escaped JSON string
    let dataJson;
    if (data) {
      dataJson = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify(data));
    } else {
      dataJson = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify({}));
    const body = {
      'id': processId,
      'sandboxId': sandboxId,
      'applicationId': appId,
      'data': dataJson

    if (caseReference) {
      body['caseReference'] = caseReference;

    const bodyStr = JSON.stringify(body);
    const headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return, bodyStr, { headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(response => response)

  // Since we call get userinfo a lot - and the data doesn't tend to change - I will cache it for the session
  public getUserInfo(userId: string): Observable<UserInfo> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/users/' + userId;
    if (userId === undefined) {
      return of(new UserInfo().deserialize({
        externalId: 'system',
        firstName: 'system',
        lastName: 'user',
        username: 'system',
        email: 'system',
        type: 'system',
        id: 'system'
    } else {
      if (!this.userInfoCacheMap.get(userId)) {
        const cacheEntry$ = this.getUserCached(url)
        this.userInfoCacheMap.set(userId, cacheEntry$);
      return this.userInfoCacheMap.get(userId);

  private getUserCached(url) {
    const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers })
        map(userinfo => new UserInfo().deserialize(userinfo))

  /* notes service */

  public getThreads(relatedItemType: string, itemTypeId: string, skip: number, top: number): Observable<ThreadList> {
    const url = '/collaboration/v1/notes?$relatedItemCollection=' + relatedItemType + '_' + itemTypeId
      + '&$orderby=createdDate desc'
      + '&$top=' + top + '&$skip=' + skip;
    return this.http.get(url, { withCredentials: true })
        map(notes => {
          const returnedNotes = new NotesList().deserialize(notes);
          const threadList: ThreadList = new ThreadList();
          threadList.threads = [];
          // create threads
          returnedNotes.notes.forEach(function(note) {
              if (note.level === 1) {
                const noteThread = new NoteThread(, false, false, false, undefined, [], note);
                // get other threads for this id
                returnedNotes.notes.forEach(function (threadNote) {
                  if (threadNote.level > 1 && threadNote.threadId === {
                    // add to the thread
          return threadList;

  public getNotesForCollections(collectionIds): Observable<NotesList> {
    if (collectionIds) {
      const url = '/collaboration/v1/notes?$relatedItemCollection=' + collectionIds +
        '&$orderby=createdDate ASC';
      return this.http.get(url, { withCredentials: true })
          map(notes => new NotesList().deserialize(notes))

  public deleteAllNotes() {

  public updateNote(note: Note, noteId: string): Observable<Note> {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notes/' + noteId;
    const body = note;
    const bodyStr = JSON.stringify(body);
    const headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return this.http.put(url, bodyStr, { headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map( result => new Note().deserialize(result))

  public createNote(relatedItemType: string,
                    uiAppSource: string,
                    relatedItemId: string,
                    notificationLabel: string,
                    notificationUrl: string,
                    title: string,
                    noteText: string): Observable<number> {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notes';
    const note = new Note().deserialize(
        attributes: [],
        notificationLabel: notificationLabel,
        notificationUrl: notificationUrl,
        text: noteText,
        title: title
    const body = {
      note: note,
      relatedItemCollection: [
        (relatedItemType + '_' + relatedItemId)
      relatedItemId: relatedItemId,
      relatedItemType: uiAppSource,
      roles: undefined
    const bodyStr = JSON.stringify(body);
    const headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return, bodyStr, { headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(result => Number(result))

  public getNote(noteId: number): Observable<Note> {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notes/' + noteId;
    return this.http.get(url, { withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(note => new Note().deserialize(note)

  public getThread(relatedItemType: string, relatedItemId: string, threadId: number) {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notes/?$relatedItemType=' + relatedItemType
      + '&relatedItemId=' + relatedItemId
      + '&filter=threadId=' + threadId
      + '&orderby=createdDate ASC';
      return this.http.get(url, { withCredentials: true })
          tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
          map(notes => new NotesList().deserialize(notes)

  public createReplyNote(originalNote: Note, reply: string, noteId: string): Observable<number> {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notes/' + noteId;
    const body = {
      notificationLabel: originalNote.notificationLabel,
      notificationUrl: originalNote.notificationUrl,
      text: reply
    const bodyStr = JSON.stringify(body);
    const headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return, bodyStr, { headers })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(value => Number(value))

  public subscribeToNotes(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId) {
    const url = '/collaboration/v1/notifications';
    const body = {
      topicId: undefined,
      threadId: undefined,
      notifyCollection: {
        collectionName: relatedItemType + '_' + relatedTypeId,
        lifecycledWithType: 'RT_CASE',
        lifecycledWithId: true
    const bodyStr = JSON.stringify(body);
    const headers = new HttpHeaders()
      .set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    return, bodyStr, { headers, withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',

  public unsubscribeToNotes(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId, userId) {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notifications?$filter=collectionName=';
    url = url + '\'' + relatedItemType + '_' + relatedTypeId + '\' and entityId=' + userId;
    return this.http.delete(url, { withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',

  public getNotifications(relatedItemType, relatedTypeId, userId): Observable<NotificationList> {
    let url = '/collaboration/v1/notifications?$filter=collectionName=\'' + relatedItemType + '_' + relatedTypeId
            + '\' and entityId=' + userId;
    return this.http.get(url, { withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(value => new NotificationList().deserialize(value))

  public deleteNote(noteId: number) {
    const url = '/collaboration/v1/notes/' + noteId;
    return this.http.delete(url, { withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',

  /* end notes service */

  public getUsers(sandboxId: number, top: number): Observable<UserInfo[]> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/users?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$top=' + top + '&$filter=type eq Standard';
    return this.http.get(url)
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map( (users: any) => users)

  public getGroups(sandboxId: number, top: number, useCache: boolean): Observable<Groups> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/groups?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$top=' + top;
    let headers;
    if (useCache) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    } else {
      headers = new HttpHeaders();

    return this.http.get(url, { headers, withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map( groups => new Groups().deserialize({ groups: groups }))

  public getGroupMemberships(sandboxId: number, userId: string, top: number, useCache: boolean): Observable<Groups> {
    const url = '/organisation/v1/users/' + userId + '/groups' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$top=' + top;
    let headers;
    if (useCache) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    } else {
      headers = new HttpHeaders();

    return this.http.get(url, { headers, withCredentials: true })
        tap( val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map( groups => new Groups().deserialize({ groups: groups }))

  public getGroupUsers(sandboxId: number, groupId: string, skip: number, top: number, filter: string, useCache: boolean): Observable<UsersInfo>{
    let url = '/organisation/v1/groups/' + groupId + '/users' + '?$sandbox=' + sandboxId + '&$top=' + top + '&$skip=' + skip
    if (filter !== '') {
      url = url + + '&$filter=' + filter;

    let headers;
    if (useCache) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders().set('cacheResponse', 'true');
    } else {
      headers = new HttpHeaders();

    return this.http.get(url, { headers, withCredentials: true })
        tap(val => sessionStorage.setItem('tcsTimestamp',,
        map(users => new UsersInfo().deserialize({ usersInfo: users }))

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""