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Troubleshooting Error Messages

Error messages provide information about problems that might occur when setting up the SnappyData cluster or when running queries. You can use the following information to resolve such problems.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Error Message: Region {0} has potentially stale data. It is waiting for another member to recover the latest data. My persistent id: {1} Members with potentially new data: {2}Use the "{3} list-missing-disk-stores" command to see all disk stores that are being waited on by other members.

Diagnosis: The above message is typically displayed during start up when a member waits for other members in the cluster to be available, as the table data on disk is not the most current. The status of the member is displayed as waiting in such cases when you check the status of the cluster using the command.

Solution: The status of the waiting members change to online once all the members are online and the status of the waiting members is updated. Users can check whether the status is changed from waiting to online by using the command or by checking the SnappyData Monitoring Console.

Error Message: XCL54.T Query/DML/DDL '{0}' canceled due to low memory on member '{1}'. Try reducing the search space by adding more filter conditions to the where clause. query

Diagnosis: This error message is reported when a system runs on low available memory. In such cases, the queries may get aborted and an error is reported to prevent the server from crashing due to low available memory. Once the heap memory usage falls below critical-heap-percentage the queries run successfully.

Solution: To avoid such issues, review your memory configuration and make sure that you have allocated enough heap memory. You can also configure tables for eviction so that table rows are evicted from memory and overflow to disk when the system crosses eviction threshold. For more details refer to best practices for memory management

Message: {0} seconds have elapsed while waiting for reply from {1} on {2} whose current membership list is: [{3}]

Diagnosis: The above warning message is displayed when a member is awaiting for a response from another member on the system and response has not been received for some time.

Solution: This generally means that there is a resource issue in (most likely) the member that is in waiting status. Check whether there is a garbage collection activity going on in the member being waited for. Due of large GC pauses, the member may not be responding in the stipulated time. In such cases, review your memory configuration and consider whether you can configure to use off-heap memory.

Error Message: Region {0} bucket {1} has persistent data that is no longer online stored at these locations: {2}

Diagnosis: In partitioned tables that are persisted to disk, if you have any of the members offline, the partitioned table is still available, but, may have some buckets represented only in offline disk stores. In this case, methods that access the bucket entries report a PartitionOfflineException error.

Solution: If possible, bring the missing member online. This restores the buckets to memory and you can work with them again.

Error Message: ForcedDisconnectException Error: "No Data Store found in the distributed system for: {0}"

Diagnosis: A distributed system member’s Cache and DistributedSystem are forcibly closed by the system membership coordinator if it becomes sick or too slow to respond to heartbeat requests. The log file for the member displays a ForcedDisconnectException with the message. One possible reason for this could be that large GC pauses are causing the member to be unresponsive when the GC is in progress.

Solution: To minimize the chances of this happening, you can increase the DistributedSystem property member-timeout. This setting also controls the length of time required to notice a network failure. Also, review your memory configuration and configure to use off-heap memory.

Error Message: Node went down or data no longer available while iterating the results.

Diagnosis: In cases where a node fails while a JDBC/ODBC client or job is consuming result of a query, then it can result in the query failing with such an exception.

Solution: This is expected behaviour where the product does not retry, since partial results are already consumed by the application. Application must retry the entire query after discarding any changes due to partial results that are consumed.

Message: SmartConnector catalog is not up to date. Please reconstruct the Dataset and retry the operation. OR Table schema changed due to DROP/CREATE/ALTER operation. Please retry the operation.

Diagnosis: In the Smart Connector mode, this error message is seen in the logs if SnappyData catalog is changed due to a DDL operation such as CREATE/DROP/ALTER. For performance reasons, SnappyData Smart Connector caches the catalog in the Smart Connector cluster. If there is a catalog change in SnappyData embedded cluster, this error is logged to prevent unexpected errors due to schema changes.

Solution: If a Select query encounters this error, that query is retried internally by the product up to ten times, and user intervention may not be necessary. However, after the ten retries, the query shows an exception, and the application needs to retry the query. Also, if the user application is performing DataFrame/DataSet operations, you must recreate the DataFrame/DataSet and retry the operation. In such cases, the application needs to catch exceptions of type org.apache.spark.sql.execution.CatalogStaleException and java.sql.SQLException (with SQLState=X0Z39) and retry the operation. Check the following code snippet to get a better understanding of how you can handle this scenario:

int retryCount = 0;
int maxRetryAttempts = 5;
while (true) {
    try {
        // dataset/dataframe operations goes here (e.g. deleteFrom, putInto)
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (retryCount >= maxRetryAttempts || !isRetriableException(ex)) {
            throw ex;
        } else {
            log.warn("Encountered a retriable exception. Will retry processing batch." +
                " maxRetryAttempts:"+maxRetryAttempts+", retryCount:"+retryCount+"", ex);

private boolean isRetriableException(Exception ex) {
    Throwable cause = ex;
    do {
        if ((cause instanceof SQLException &&
            || cause instanceof CatalogStaleException
            || (cause instanceof TaskCompletionListenerException && cause.getMessage()
            .startsWith("java.sql.SQLException: (SQLState=X0Z39"))) {
            return true;
        cause = cause.getCause();
    } while (cause != null);
    return false;

Error Message: Snappy job submission result:

  "status": "ERROR",
  "result": "Cannot parse config: String: 1: Expecting end of input or a comma, got ':' (if you intended ':' to be part of a key or string value, try enclosing the key or value in double quotes, or you may be able to rename the file .properties rather than .conf)"

Diagnosis: This error message is reported when snappy-job submission configuration parameter contains a colon :. The typesafe configuration parser (used by job-server) cannot handle : as part of key or value unless it is enclosed in double quotes. Sample job-submit command:

./ submit  --app-name app1 --conf kafka-brokers=localhost:9091 --class Test --app-jar "/path/to/app-jar"


Note that the kafka-brokers config value (localhost:9091) is having a :

Solution: To avoid this issue enclose the value containing colon : with double quotes so that the typesafe config parser can parse it. Also since the parameter is passed to the bash script (snappy-job) the quotes needs to be escaped properly otherwise it will get ignored by bash. Check the following example for the correct method of passing this configuration:

./ submit  --app-name app1 --conf kafka-brokers=\"localhost:9091\" --class Test --app-jar "/path/to/app-jar"


Check the value of kafka-brokers property enclosed in escaped double quotes: \"localhost:9091\"

Error Message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Detected both log4j-over-slf4j.jar AND bound slf4j-log4j12.jar on the class path, preempting StackOverflowError

Diagnosis: This error message can be seen if application uses SnappyData JDBC driver shadow jar and the application has a dependency on log4j-over-slf4j package/jar. This is because, the SnappyData JDBC driver has a dependency on slf4j-log4j12 which cannot co-exist with 'log4j-over-slf4j' package.


To avoid getting log4j and slf4j-log4j12 dependencies in the driver, you can link the non-fat JDBC client jar (snappydata-store-client*.jar) in your application and exclude log4j and slf4j-log4j12 dependencies from it.

Note that the snappydata-store-client jar does not contain some of the SnappyData extensions (Scala imiplicits) that are required when SnappyData Spark-JDBC connector is used. That is when accessing SnappyData from another Spark cluster using JDBC dataframes as mentioned here. If these SnappyData extensions are to be used, then in addition to above mentioned jar, snappydata-jdbc*-only.jar dependency will be required. This is available on maven repo and can be accessed using classifier: 'only' along with snappydata-jdbc cordinates.

Following is an example for adding this dependency using gradle:

build.gradle example that uses snappydata-store-client jar and snappydata-jdbc*only.jar. The example uses SnappyData version, replace it with the version required by the application.


 dependencies {

  compile group: 'io.snappydata', name: 'snappydata-jdbc_2.11', version: '', classifier: 'only'

  // SnappyData "no-fat" JDBC jar
  compile group: 'io.snappydata', name: 'snappydata-store-client', version: ''

  // If users want to add his own 'log4j-over-slf4j' dependency
  compile group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'log4j-over-slf4j', version: '1.7.26'

 // exclude the 'log4j' and 'slf4j-log4j12' dependencies
 configurations.all {
    exclude group: 'log4j', module: 'log4j'
    exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'slf4j-log4j12'

Error Message: Bad PutInto performance even when input dataframe size is small.

Diagnosis: PutInto operation internally performs join. If the input dataframe size is small (less than spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold which defaults to 10 MB) then the join should ideally result into broadcast join giving better performance than sort merge join (which will be chosen otherwise).

However, some sources don't provide size statistics and in that case the size of dataframe results into value of spark.sql.defaultSizeInBytes property which defaults to Long.MaxValue. In this case even if the actual size of the input dataframe is less than that of spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold, the PutInto operation will always end up using sort merge join resulting into poor performance.

Solution: Solution for this issue is to override default value of spark.sql.defaultSizeInBytes by setting it as part of session configuration with the value matching the approximate size of the actual input dataframe.

The property can be set using the following SQL command:

set spark.sql.defaultSizeInBytes = <some long value>

For example, set spark.sql.defaultSizeInBytes = 10000

Using a SnappySession instance this can be set as follows:

snappySession.sql(“set spark.sql.defaultSizeInBytes = 10000”)

Note that this is a session level property hence all the operation performed using the same session will end up using same overridden value.