Contains information about all disk stores created in the SnappyData distributed system.
Column Name | Type | Length | Nullable | Contents |
NAME | VARCHAR | 128 | No | The unique identifier of the disk store. |
MAXLOGSIZE | BIGINT | 10 | No | The maximum size, in megabytes, of a single oplog file in the disk store. |
AUTOCOMPACT | CHAR | 6 | No | Specifies whether SnappyData automatically compacts log files in this disk store. |
ALLOWFORCECOMPACTION | CHAR | 6 | No | Specifies whether the disk store permits online compaction of log files using the snappy utility. |
COMPACTIONTHRESHOLD | INTEGER | 10 | No | The threshold after which an oplog file is eligible for compaction. Specified as a percentage value from 0–100. |
TIMEINTERVAL | BIGINT | 10 | No | The maximum number of milliseconds that can elapse before SnappyData asynchronously flushes data to disk. |
WRITEBUFFERSIZE | INTEGER | 10 | No | The size of the buffer SnappyData uses to store operations when writing to the disk store. |
QUEUESIZE | INTEGER | 10 | No | The maximum number of row operations that SnappyData can asynchronously queue for writing to the disk store. |
DIR_PATH_SIZE | VARCHAR | 32672 | No | The directory names that hold disk store oplog files, and the maximum size in megabytes that each directory can store. |
snappy> select * from sys.SYSDISKSTORES;
STORE2 |456 |true |false |50 |1000 |19292393 |17374 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
STORE1-SNAPPY-DELTA |50 |true |false |80 |223344 |19292393 |17374 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
STORE2-SNAPPY-DELTA |50 |true |false |50 |1000 |19292393 |17374 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
GFXD-DEFAULT-DISKSTORE |1024 |true |false |50 |1000 |32768 |0 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
GFXD-DD-DISKSTORE |10 |true |false |50 |1000 |32768 |0 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
SNAPPY-INTERNAL-DELTA |50 |true |false |50 |1000 |32768 |0 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
STORE1 |1024 |true |false |80 |223344 |19292393 |17374 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
7 rows selected
snappy> select * from SYS.SYSDISKSTORES where NAME = 'STORE1';
STORE1 |1024 |true |false |80 |223344 |19292393 |17374 |/build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/&
1 row selected
snappy> select * from sys.sysdiskstores where DIR_PATH_SIZE like '%mytest%';
TEST |1024 |true |false |50 |1000 |32768 |0 |build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/work/localhost-server-1/mytest
TEST-SNAPPY-DELTA|50 |true |false |50 |1000 |32768 |0 |build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy/work/localhost-server-1/mytest/snappy-internal-delta
2 rows selected
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