You can use the EXPORT_DDLs system procedure to export table definitions in text format. The EXPORT_DDLs system procedure takes a single argument, exportURI
. You can provide any spark supported URI such as s3, local path, or HDFS. All the DDLs such as TABLE, VIEW, DATABASE, FUNCTION, DEPLOY, ALTER, UPDATE, GRANT are exported to a text file in exportURI
with the name part-00000. Verify there are respective DDLs in the generated file for all the tables shown on the UI.
The directory created is of the pattern <exportURI_TimeInMillis>
Folder Structure¶
ls /home/xyz/extracted/ddls_1571059691610/
part-00000 _SUCCESS
Reloading extracted DDLs
run ‘/home/xyz/extracted/ddls_1571059691610/part-00000’;
For statistics search the leader log for message Successfully exported <N> DDL statements.