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Multiple Language Binding using Thrift Protocol

SnappyData provides support for Apache Thrift protocol which enables users to access the cluster from other languages that are not supported directly by SnappyData. Thrift allows efficient and reliable communication across programming languages like Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Elixir, Perl and other languages. For more information on Thrift, refer to the Apache Thrift documentation.

The JDBC driver for SnappyData that uses the jdbc:snappydata:// URL schema, now uses Thrift for underlying protocol. The older URL scheme for RowStore jdbc:gemfirexd:// continues to use the deprecated DRDA protocol.

Likewise, locators and servers in SnappyData now default to starting up thrift servers and when started in RowStore mode ( rowstore) the DRDA servers are started as before.

To explicitly start a DRDA server in SnappyData, you can use the -drda-server-address and -drda-server-port options for the bind address and port respectively. Likewise, to explicitly start a Thrift server in RowStore mode, you can use the -thrift-server-address and -thrift-server-port options.

Refer to the following documents for information on support provided by SnappyData: