Setting up Cluster on Kubernetes¶
Kubernetes is an open source project designed for container orchestration. SnappyData can be deployed on Kubernetes.
The following sections are included in this topic:
The following prerequisites must be met to deploy SnappyData on Kubernetes:
Kubernetes cluster A running Kubernetes cluster of version 1.9 or higher. SnappyData has been tested on Google Container Engine(GKE) as well as on Pivotal Container Service (PKS). If Kubernetes cluster is not available, you can set it up as mentioned here.
Helm tool Helm tool must be deployed in the Kubernetes environment. You can follow the instructions here to deploy Helm in your Kubernetes enviroment.
- Docker image Helm charts use Docker image to launch the SnappyData cluster on Kubernetes. You can refer to these steps to build and publish your Docker image for SnappyData. TIBCO does not provide a Docker image for SnappyData.
Getting Access to Kubernetes Cluster¶
If you would like to deploy Kubernetes on-premises, you can use any of the following options:
Option 1 - PKS¶
- PKS on vSphere: Follow these instructions
- PKS on GCP: Follow these instructions
- Create a Kubernetes cluster using PKS CLI : After PKS is setup you will need to create a Kubernetes cluster as described here
Option 2 - Google Cloud Platform (GCP)¶
- Login to your Google account and go to the Cloud console to launch a GKE cluster.
Steps to perform after Kubernetes cluster is available:
- If using PKS, you must install the PKS command line tool. See instructions here.
- Install
on your local development machine and configure access to the kubernetes/PKS cluster. See instructions forkubectl
here. - If you are using Google cloud, you will find instructions for setting up Google Cloud SDK ('gcloud') along with
Deploying SnappyData on Kubernetes¶
SnappyData Helm chart is used to deploy SnappyData on Kubernetes. It uses Kubernetes statefulsets to launch the locator, lead, and server members.
To deploy SnappyData on Kubernetes:
Clone the snappy-on-k8s repository and change to charts directory.
git clone cd snappy-on-k8s/charts
Edit the snappydata > values.yaml file to configure in the SnappyData chart. Specify the details of your SnappyData Docker image as mentioned in the example below. Replace values for image and tag appropriately with your Dockerhub registry name, image name and tag.
image: your-dockerhub-registry/snappydata-docker-image imageTag: 1.2 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
To pull a Docker image from a private registry, create a secret by following steps as mentioned here and specify the name of the secret in values.yaml as shown below. Note that, secret must be created in the namespace in which SnappyData will be deployed (namespace "snappy" in this case)
imagePullSecrets: secretName
Optionally, you can edit the snappydata > values.yaml file to change the default configurations in the SnappyData chart. Configurations can be specified in the respective attributes for locators, leaders, and servers in this file. Refer List of Configuration Parameters for SnappyData Chart
Install the snappydata chart using the following command:
helm install --name snappydata --namespace snappy ./snappydata/
The above command installs the SnappyData chart in a namespace called snappy and displays the Kubernetes objects (service, statefulsets etc.) created by the chart on the console. By default, SnappyData Helm chart deploys a SnappyData cluster which consists of one locator, one lead, two servers and services to access SnappyData endpoints.
You can monitor the Kubernetes UI dashboard to check the status of the components as it takes few minutes for all the servers to be online. To access the Kubernetes UI refer to the instructions here.
SnappyData chart dynamically provisions volumes for servers, locators, and leads. These volumes and the data in it are retained even after the chart deployment is deleted.
Interacting with SnappyData Cluster on Kubernetes¶
You can interact with the SnappyData cluster on Kubernetes in the same manner as you interact with a SnappyData cluster that runs locally or on-premise. All you require is the host IP address of the locator and the lead with their respective ports numbers.
To find the IP addresses and port numbers of the SnappyData processes, use command kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
. In the output, three services namely snappydata-leader-public, snappydata-locator-public and snappydata-server-public of type LoadBalancer are seen which expose the endpoints for locator, lead, and server respectively. These services have external IP addresses assigned and therefore can be accessed from outside Kubernetes. The remaining services that do not have external IP addresses are those that are created for internal use.
snappydata-leader-public service exposes port 5050 for SnappyData Monitoring Console, port 10000 for Hive Thrift server and port 8090 to accept SnappyData jobs. snappydata-locator-public service exposes port 1527 to accept JDBC/ODBC connections.
You can do the following on the SnappyData cluster that is deployed on Kubernetes:
Accessing SnappyData Monitoring Console¶
The dashboards on the SnappyData Monitoring Console can be accessed using snappydata-leader-public service. To view the dashboard, type the URL in the web browser in the format: externalIp:5050. Replace externalip with the external IP address of the snappydata-leader-public service.
To access SnappyData Monitoring Console in Kubernetes:
Check the SnappyData services running in the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
The output displays the external IP address of the snappydata-leader-public service as shown in the following image: -
Type externalIp:5050 in the browser. Here you must replace externalip with the external IP address of the leader-public service. For example,
Connecting SnappyData Using JDBC Driver¶
For Kubernetes deployments, JDBC clients can connect to SnappyData cluster using the JDBC URL that is derived from the snappydata-locator-public service.
To connect to SnappyData using JDBC driver in Kubernetes:
Check the SnappyData services running in Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
The output displays the external IP address of the snappydata-locator-public service and the port number for external connections as shown in the following image: -
Use the external IP address and port of the snappydata-locator-public services to connect to SnappyData cluster using JDBC connections. For example, based on the above output, the JDBC URL to be used will be jdbc:snappydata://
You can refer to SnappyData documentation for an example of JDBC program and for instructions on how to obtain JDBC driver using Maven/SBT co-ordinates.
Executing Queries Using SnappyData Shell¶
You can use SnappyData shell to connect to SnappyData and execute your queries. You can simply connect to one of the pods in the cluster and use the SnappyData Shell. Alternatively, you can download the SnappyData distribution from SnappyData github releases. SnappyData shell need not run within the Kubernetes cluster.
To execute queries in Kubernetes deployment:
Check the SnappyData services running in the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
The output displays the external IP address of the snappydata-locator-public services and the port number for external connections as shown in the following image: -
Launch SnappyData shell and then create tables and execute queries. Following is an example of executing queries using SnappyData shell.
# Connect to snappy-shell
snappy> connect client '';
# Create tables and execute queries
snappy> create table t1(col1 int, col2 int) using column;
snappy> insert into t1 values(1, 1);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
Submitting a SnappyData Job¶
Refer to the How Tos section in SnappyData documentation to understand how to submit SnappyData jobs. However, for submitting a SnappyData job in Kubernetes deployment, you need to use the snappydata-leader-public service that exposes port 8090 to run the jobs.
To submit a SnappyData job in Kubernetes deployment:
Check the SnappyData services running in Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
The output displays the external IP address of snappydata-leader-public service which must be noted. -
Change to SnappyData product directory.
Submit the job using the external IP of the snappydata-leader-public service and the port number 8090 in the --lead option. Following is an example of submitting a SnappyData Job:
bin/ submit
--app-name CreatePartitionedRowTable
--class org.apache.spark.examples.snappydata.CreatePartitionedRowTable
--app-jar examples/jars/quickstart.jar
Stopping the SnappyData Cluster on Kubernetes¶
To stop the SnappyData cluster on Kubernetes, you must delete the SnappyData Helm chart using the helm delete
If the chart is deployed again with the same chart name and if the volume exists, then the existing volume is used instead of provisioning a new volume.
List of Configuration Parameters for SnappyData Chart¶
You can modify the values.yaml file to configure the SnappyData chart. The following table lists the configuration parameters available for this chart:
Parameter | Description | Default |
image | Docker repo from which the SnappyData Docker image is pulled. | snappydatainc/snappydata |
imageTag | Tag of the SnappyData Docker image that is pulled. | |
imagePullPolicy | Pull policy for the image. | IfNotPresent |
imagePullSecrets | Secret name to be used to pull image from a private registry | |
locators.conf | List of the configuration options that is passed to the locators. | |
locators.resources | Resource configuration for the locator Pods. User can configure CPU/memory requests and limit the usage. | locators.requests.memory is set to 1024Mi . |
locators.persistence.storageClass | Storage class that is used while dynamically provisioning a volume. | Default value is not defined so default storage class for the cluster is chosen. |
locators.persistence.accessMode | Access mode that is used for the dynamically provisioned volume. | ReadWriteOnce |
locators.persistence.size | Size of the dynamically provisioned volume. | 10Gi |
servers.replicaCount | Number of servers that are started in a SnappyData cluster. | 2 |
servers.conf | List of the configuration options that are passed to the servers. | |
servers.resources | Resource configuration for the server Pods. You can configure CPU/memory requests and limit the usage. | servers.requests.memory is set to 4096Mi |
servers.persistence.storageClass | Storage class that is used while dynamically provisioning a volume. | Default value is not defined so default storage class for the cluster will be chosen. |
servers.persistence.accessMode | Access mode for the dynamically provisioned volume. | ReadWriteOnce |
servers.persistence.size | Size of the dynamically provisioned volume. | 10Gi |
leaders.conf | List of configuration options that can be passed to the leaders. | |
leaders.resources | Resource configuration for the server pods. You can configure CPU/memory requests and limits the usage. | leaders.requests.memory is set to 4096Mi |
leaders.persistence.storageClass | Storage class that is used while dynamically provisioning a volume. | Default value is not defined so default storage class for the cluster will be chosen. |
leaders.persistence.accessMode | Access mode for the dynamically provisioned volume. | ReadWriteOnce |
leaders.persistence.size | Size of the dynamically provisioned volume. | 10Gi |
The following sample shows the configuration used to start four servers each with a heap size of 2048 MB:
You can specify SnappyData configuration parameters in the servers.conf, locators.conf, and leaders.conf attributes for servers, locators, and leaders respectively.
Kubernetes Objects Used in SnappyData Chart¶
This section provides details about the following Kubernetes objects that are used in SnappyData Chart:
Statefulsets for Servers, Leaders, and Locators¶
Kubernetes statefulsets are used to manage stateful applications. Statefulsets provide many benefits such as stable and unique network identifiers, stable persistent storage, ordered deployment and scaling, graceful deletion, and rolling updates. SnappyData Helm chart deploys statefulsets for servers, leaders, and locators. By default the chart deploys two data servers, one locator, and one leader. Upon deletion of the Helm deployment, each pod gracefully terminates the SnappyData process that is running on it.
Services that Expose External Endpoints¶
SnappyData Helm chart creates services to allow you to make JDBC connections, execute Spark jobs, and access SnappyData Monitoring Console etc. Services of the type LoadBalancer have external IP address assigned and can be used to connect from outside of Kubernetes cluster. To check the service created for SnappyData deployment, use command kubectl get svc --namespace=snappy
. The following output is displayed:
snappydata-leader ClusterIP None <none> 5050/TCP 5m
snappydata-leader-public LoadBalancer 5050:31964/TCP,8090:32700/TCP,3768:32575/TCP 5m
snappydata-locator ClusterIP None <none> 10334/TCP,1527/TCP 5m
snappydata-locator-public LoadBalancer 1527:31957/TCP 5m
snappydata-server ClusterIP None <none> 1527/TCP 5m
snappydata-server-public LoadBalancer 1527:31853/TCP 5m
In the above output, three services namely snappydata-leader-public, snappydata-locator-public and snappydata-server-public of type LoadBalancer are created. These services have external IP addresses assigned and therefore can be accessed from outside Kubernetes. The remaining services that do not have external IP addresses are those that are created for internal use.
snappydata-leader-public service exposes port 5050 for SnappyData Monitoring Console and port 8090 to accept SnappyData jobs. snappydata-locator-public service exposes port 1527 to accept JDBC connections.
Persistent Volumes¶
A pod in a SnappyData deployment has a persistent volume mounted on it. This volume is dynamically provisioned and is used to store data directory for SnappyData. On each pod, the persistent volume is mounted on path /opt/snappydata/work
. These volumes and the data in it is retained even if the chart deployment is deleted.
Accessing Logs¶
You can access the logs when the SnappyData cluster is running as well as when the SnappyData cluster is not running.
Accessing Logs When SnappyData Cluster is Running¶
When a SnappyData cluster is running, you can open a session for a pod using kubectl
command and then view the logs. The following example shows how to access logs of snappydata-server-0:
# Connect to snappydata-server-0 pod and open a shell.
$ kubectl exec -it snappydata-server-0 --namespace snappy -- /bin/bash
# Switch to Snappydata work directory and view the logs.
$ cd /opt/snappydata/work
$ ls
Accessing Logs When SnappyData Cluster is not Running¶
When SnappyData cluster is not running, you can access the volumes used in SnappyData with a utility script
located in the utils directory of Spark on k8s repository. This script launches a pod in the Kubernetes cluster with persistent volumes, specified via --pvc
option, mounted on it and then returns a shell prompt. Volumes are mounted on the path starting with /data0 (volume1 on /data0 and so on).
In the following example, the names of the persistent volume claims used by the cluster are retrieved and passed to the
script to be mounted on the pod.
# Get the names of persistent volume claims used by SnappyData cluster installed in a namespace
# called *snappy*. The PVCs used by SnappyData are prefixed with 'snappy-disk-claim-'.
$ kubectl get pvc --namespace snappy
snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-leader-0 Bound pvc-17cf9834-68c3-11e8-ab38-42010a8001a3 10Gi RWO standard 50d
snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-locator-0 Bound pvc-17d75411-68c3-11e8-ab38-42010a8001a3 10Gi RWO standard 50d
snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-0 Bound pvc-17de4f1a-68c3-11e8-ab38-42010a8001a3 10Gi RWO standard 50d
snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-1 Bound pvc-226d778d-68c3-11e8-ab38-42010a8001a3 10Gi RWO standard 50d
# To view logs for server-0 and server-1, use PVCs 'snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-0' and snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-1'
$ ./utils/ --pvc snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-0,snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-1 --namespace snappy
Volume for snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-0 will be mounted on /data0
Volume for snappy-disk-claim-snappydata-server-1 will be mounted on /data1
Launching the POD
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
In the above example, the second command opens a session with bash prompt for the pod on which the volumes corresponding to the mentioned PVCs are mounted on paths such as /data0, /data1 and so on.
You can then examine the logs in these mounted paths. For example:
bash-4.1# ls /data1
lost+found members.txt snappydata-server-1
bash-4.1# ls /data0
lost+found members.txt snappydata-server-0
bash-4.1# ls /data0/snappydata-server-0/
bash-4.1# ls /data0/snappydata-server-0/*.*log
Configuring the Log Level¶
You can provide a file while installing the SnappyData Helm chart. A template file is provided in the charts/snappydata/conf/
directory. This template file can be renamed and used to configure log level as shown in the following example:
$ cd charts/snappydata/conf/
# copy the template file and edit it to configure log level
$ cp
When SnappyData chart is installed, the file will be used to configure the log level.
Mounting ConfigMaps¶
Files created in charts/snappydata/conf/ are mounted on SnappyData server, lead, and locator pods as configmaps and copied into the product's conf directory. This is useful to make configuration files (such as, etc.) available to the product. Template files are provided in the charts/snappydata/conf/. These template files can be renamed and edited to provide configuration.
For example: