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Building from Source


Building SnappyData requires JDK 8 installation (like Oracle Java SE or OpenJDK 8).

Build all Components of SnappyData


> git clone --recursive
> cd snappydata
> ./gradlew product

The product is in build-artifacts/scala-2.11/snappy

To build product artifacts in all supported formats (tarball, zip, rpm, deb):

> git clone --recursive
> cd snappydata
> ./gradlew cleanAll distProduct

The artifacts are in build-artifacts/scala-2.11/distributions

You can also add the flags -PenablePublish -PR.enable to get them in the form as in an official SnappyData distributions but that also requires an installation of R as noted below.

To build all product artifacts that are in the official SnappyData distributions:

> git clone --recursive
> cd snappydata
> ./gradlew cleanAll product copyShadowJars distTar -PenablePublish -PR.enable

The artifacts are in build-artifacts/scala-2.11/distributions

Building SparkR with the -PR.enable flag requires R 3.x or 4.x to be installed locally. At least the following R packages along with their dependencies also need to be installed: knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, e1071, testthat

The R build also needs a base installation of texlive or an equivalent TeX distribution for pdflatex and related tools to build the documentation.

On distributions like Ubuntu/Debian/Arch you can install them from repositories (for Arch some packages need AUR). For example on recent Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt install texlive r-cran-knitr r-cran-markdown r-cran-rmarkdown r-cran-e1071 r-cran-testthat

Official builds are published to maven using the publishMaven task.


Documentation is created using the publishDocs target. You need an installation of mkdocs with its material, minify and 'mike' plugins to build and publish the docs. The standard way to install these is using python package installer pip. This is present in the repositories of all distributions e.g. sudo apt install python3-pip on Ubuntu/Debian based distributions and sudo yum install python3-pip on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora based ones. Other distributions will have a similar way to install the package (e.g. sudo pacman -S python-pip on Arch-like distributions).

Once you have pip installed, then you can install the required packages using:

pip3 install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin mike


On some newer distributions, the executable is pip instead of pip3 though latter is usually still available as a symlink.

Then you can run the target that will build the documentation as below:

./gradlew publishDocs -PenablePublish

This will publish the docs for the current release version to the public site assuming you have the requisite write permissions to the repository. If there are docs for multiple releases, then they will appear in the drop-down at the top.

If you want to see the docs locally, then uncomment the last mike serve line in and the site will be hosted locally in localhost:8000. Note that locally hosted site may have some subtle differences from the one published on the site, so its best to check the final published output on the site.

Repository Layout

  • core - Extensions to Apache Spark that should not be dependent on SnappyData Spark additions, job server etc. It is also the bridge between spark and store (GemFireXD). For example, SnappyContext, row and column store, streaming additions etc.

  • cluster - Provides the SnappyData implementation of cluster manager embedding GemFireXD, query routing, job server initialization etc.

This component depends on core and store. The code in the cluster depends on the core but not the other way round.

  • spark - Apache Spark code with SnappyData enhancements.

  • store - Fork of gemfirexd-oss with SnappyData additions on the snappy/master branch.

  • spark-jobserver - Fork of spark-jobserver project with some additions to integrate with SnappyData.

  • aqp - Approximate Query Processing (AQP) module of SnappyData.

  • snappy-connectors - Connector for Apache Geode and a Change-Data-Capture (CDC) connector.

The spark, store, spark-jobserver, aqp, and snappy-connectors directories are required to be clones of the respective SnappyData repositories and are integrated into the top-level SnappyData project as git submodules. When working with submodules, updating the repositories follows the normal git submodules. One can add some aliases in gitconfig to aid pull/push as follows:

  spull = !git pull && git submodule sync --recursive && git submodule update --init --recursive
  spush = push --recurse-submodules=on-demand

The above aliases can serve as useful shortcuts to pull and push all projects from top-level snappydata repository.


Gradle is the build tool used for all the SnappyData projects. Changes to Apache Spark and spark-jobserver forks include the addition of Gradle build scripts to allow building them independently as well as a sub-project of SnappyData. The only requirement for the build is a JDK 8 installation. The Gradle wrapper script downloads all the other build dependencies as required.

If you do not want to deal with sub-modules and only work on a SnappyData project, you can clone only the SnappyData repository (without the --recursive option) and the build pulls those SnappyData project jar dependencies from Maven central.

If working on all the separate projects integrated inside the top-level SnappyData clone, the Gradle build recognizes the same and build those projects too and includes the same in the top-level product distribution jar. The spark and store submodules can also be built and published independently.

Useful build and test targets:

./gradlew assemble      -  build all the sources
./gradlew testClasses   -  build all the tests
./gradlew product       -  build and place the product distribution
                           (in build-artifacts/scala_2.11/snappy)
./gradlew distTar       -  create a tar.gz archive of product distribution
                           (in build-artifacts/scala_2.11/distributions)
./gradlew distZip       -  create a zip archive of product distribution
                           (in build-artifacts/scala_2.11/distributions)
./gradlew buildAll      -  build all sources, tests, product, packages (all targets above)
./gradlew checkAll      -  run testsuites of snappydata components
./gradlew cleanAll      -  clean all build and test output
./gradlew runQuickstart -  run the quickstart suite (the "Getting Started" section of docs)
./gradlew precheckin    -  cleanAll, buildAll, scalaStyle, build docs,
                           and run full snappydata testsuite including quickstart
./gradlew precheckin -Pstore  -  cleanAll, buildAll, scalaStyle, build docs,
                           run full snappydata testsuite including quickstart
                           and also full SnappyData store testsuite
./gradlew buildDtests   -  To build the Distributed tests

The default build directory is build-artifacts/scala-2.11 for projects. An exception is store project, where the default build directory is build-artifacts/; where; os is linux on Linux systems, osx on Mac, windows on Windows.

The usual Gradle test run targets (test, check) work as expected for JUnit tests. Separate targets have been provided for running Scala tests (scalaTest) while the check target runs both the JUnit and ScalaTests. One can run a single Scala test suite class with singleSuite option while running a single test within some suite works with the --tests option:

> ./gradlew snappy-core:scalaTest -PsingleSuite=**.ColumnTableTest  # run all tests in the class
> ./gradlew snappy-core:scalaTest \
>    --tests "Test the creation/dropping of table using SQL"  # run a single test (use full name)
Running individual tests within some suite works using the --tests argument.

All ScalaTest build targets can be found by running the following command (case sensitive): ./gradlew tasks --all | grep scalaTest

Setting up IntelliJ IDEA with Gradle

IntelliJ IDEA is the IDE commonly used by developers at SnappyData. Users who prefer to use Eclipse can try the Scala-IDE and Gradle support, however, it is recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA. Steps required for setting up SnappyData with all its components in IDEA are listed below.

To import into IntelliJ IDEA:

  • Upgrade IntelliJ IDEA to at least version 2016.x, preferably 2018.x or more, including the latest Scala plug-in. Older versions have trouble dealing with scala code particularly some of the code in Spark. Newer versions have trouble running tests with gradle import, since they do not honor the build output directory as set in gradle. Ensure JDK 8 is installed and IDEA can find it (either in PATH or via JAVA_HOME).

  • Increase the Xmx to 2g or more (4g, if possible) in the IDEA global vmoptions (in product bin directory, files named idea64.vmoptions for 64-bit and idea.vmoptions for 32-bit).

  • If using Java 8 release 144 or later, also add to the global vmoptions file to fix an IDEA issue.

  • Increase the available JVM heap size for IDEA. Open bin/idea64.vmoptions (assuming 64-bit JVM) and increase -Xmx option to be something like -Xmx2g for comfortable use.

  • Select Import Project, and then select the SnappyData directory. Use external Gradle import. Click Next in the following screen. Clear the Create separate module per source set option, while other options can continue with the default. Click Next in the following screens.


    • Ignore the "Gradle location is unknown warning".

    • Ensure that the JDK 8 installation has been selected.

    • Ignore and dismiss the "Unindexed remote Maven repositories found" warning message if seen.

  • When import is completed,

    1. Go to File> Settings> Editor> Code Style> Scala. Set the scheme as Project.

    2. In the same window, select Java code style and set the scheme as Project.

    3. Click OK to apply and close the window.

    4. Copy codeStyleSettings.xml located in the SnappyData top-level directory, to the .idea directory created by IDEA.

    5. Verify that the settings are now applied in File> Settings> Editor> Code Style> Java which should display indent as 2 and continuation indent as 4 (same as Scala).

  • If the Gradle tab is not visible immediately, then select it from option available at the bottom-left of IDE. Click on that window list icon for the tabs to be displayed permanently.

  • Generate Apache Avro and SnappyData required sources by expanding: snappydata_2.11> Tasks> other. Right-click on generateSources and run it. The Run option may not be available if indexing is still in progress, wait for indexing to complete, and then try again.
    The first run may take some time to complete, as it downloads the jar files and other required files. This step has to be done the first time, or if ./gradlew clean has been run, or if you have made changes to javacc/avro/messages.xml source files.

  • Go to File> Settings> Build, Execution, Deployment> Build tools> Gradle. Enter -DideaBuild in the Gradle VM Options textbox.

  • If you get unexpected Database not found or NullPointerException errors in SnappyData-store/GemFireXD layer, run the generateSources target (Gradle tab) again.

  • If you get NullPointerException error when reading the file, right-click and run the copyResourcesAll target from snappydata_2.11> Tasks> other (Gradle tab) to copy the required resources.

  • Increase the compiler heap sizes or else the build can take a long time to complete, especially with integrated spark and store. In File> Settings> Build, Execution, Deployment> Compiler option increase the Build process heap size to 1536 or 2048. Similarly, in Languages & Frameworks> Scala Compiler Server option, increase the JVM maximum heap size to 1536 or 2048.

  • Test the full build.

  • For JUnit tests configuration also append /build-artifacts to the working directory. That is, open Run> Edit Configurations, expand Defaults and select JUnit, the working directory should be \$MODULE_DIR\$/build-artifacts. Likewise, append build-artifacts to the working directory for ScalaTest. Without this, all intermediate log and other files pollute the source tree and will have to be cleaned manually.

  • If you see the following error while building the project, open module settings, select the module snappy-cluster_2.11, go to its Dependencies tab and ensure that snappy-spark-unsafe_2.11 comes before spark-unsafe or just find snappy-spark-unsafe_2.11 and move it to the top.

Error:(236, 18) value getByte is not a member of org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
    if (source.getByte(i) == first && matchAt(source, target, i)) return true
    Error:(233, 24) value getByte is not a member of org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
    val first = target.getByte(0)

Even with the above, running unit tests in IDEA may result in more runtime errors due to unexpected slf4j versions. A more comprehensive way to correct, both the compilation and unit test problems in IDEA, is to update the snappy-cluster or for whichever module unit tests are to be run and have the TEST imports at the end.

The easiest way to do that is to close IDEA, open the module IML file (.idea/modules/cluster/snappy-cluster_2.11.iml in this case) in an editor. Search for scope="TEST" and move all those lines to the bottom just before </component> close tag. The ordering of imports is no longer a problem in latest IDEA 2020.x and newer.

Running a ScalaTest/JUnit

Running Scala/JUnit tests from IntelliJ IDEA is straightforward.

  • In newer IDEA releases, ensure that Intellij IDEA is used to run the tests instead of gradle, while gradle is used for the build. To do this, go to File->Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle, select "Run tests using" to be "Intellij IDEA" rather than with gradle for the "snappydata" project. Also ensure that "Build and run using" is gradle rather than "Intellij IDEA".

  • When selecting a run configuration for JUnit/ScalaTest, avoid selecting the Gradle one (green round icon) otherwise, an external Gradle process is launched that can start building the project again is not cleanly integrated with IDEA. Use the normal JUnit (red+green arrows icon) or ScalaTest (JUnit like with red overlay).

  • For JUnit tests, ensure that the working directory is the top-level \$MODULE_DIR\$/build-artifacts as mentioned earlier. Otherwise, many SnappyData-store tests fail to find the resource files required in tests. They also pollute the files, so when launched, this allows those to go into build-artifacts that are easier to clean. For that reason, it is preferable to do the same for ScalaTests.

  • Some of the tests use data files from the tests-common directory. For such tests, run the Gradle task snappydata_2.11> Tasks> other> copyResourcesAll to copy the resources in build area where IDEA runs can find it.