Provisioning SnappyData¶
The SnappyData Community Edition is Apache 2.0 licensed. It is a free, open-source version of the product that can be downloaded by anyone. The erstwhile Enterprise Edition of the product, which is sold by TIBCO Software under the name TIBCO ComputeDB™, includes everything that is offered in the Community Edition along with additional capabilities that are closed source and only available as part of a licensed subscription.
Starting with 1.3.0 release, all components that were previously closed source are now OSS (except for the GemFire connector), and there is only the Community Edition that is released.
For more information on the capabilities of the Community Edition and differences from the previous Enterprise Edition, see Community Edition (Open Source).
Download SnappyData Community Edition¶
Download the SnappyData 1.3.1 Community Edition (Open Source) from the release page, which lists the latest and previous releases of SnappyData. The packages are available in compressed files (.tar format).
SnappyData Provisioning Options¶
Before you start the installation, make sure that Java SE Development Kit 8 is installed, and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set on each computer.
The following options are available for provisioning SnappyData:
Configuring the Limit for Open Files and Threads/Processes¶
On a Linux system, you can set the limit of open files and thread processes in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. A minimum of 8192 is recommended for open file descriptors limit and >128K is recommended for the number of active threads. A typical configuration used for SnappyData servers and leads can appear as follows:
snappydata hard nofile 32768
snappydata soft nofile 32768
snappydata hard nproc unlimited
snappydata soft nproc 524288
snappydata hard sigpending unlimited
snappydata soft sigpending 524288
is the user running SnappyData. Recent linux distributions using systemd (like RHEL/CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04) require the NOFILE limit to be increased in systemd configuration too. Edit /etc/systemd/system.conf as root, search for #DefaultLimitNOFILE under the [Manager] section. Uncomment and change it to DefaultLimitNOFILE=32768. Reboot for the above changes to be applied. Confirm that the new limits have been applied in a terminal/ssh window with "ulimit -a -S" (soft limits) and "ulimit -a -H" (hard limits).