Receives text from multiple rawNetworkStreams and counts how many '\n' delimited
lines have the word 'the' in them. This is useful for benchmarking purposes. This
will only work with spark.streaming.util.RawTextSender running on all worker nodes
and with Spark using Kryo serialization (set Java property "spark.serializer" to
Usage: RawNetworkGrep <numStreams> <host> <port> <batchMillis>
<numStream> is the number rawNetworkStreams, which should be same as number
of work nodes in the cluster
<host> is "localhost".
<port> is the port on which RawTextSender is running in the worker nodes.
<batchMillise> is the Spark Streaming batch duration in milliseconds.
Receives text from multiple rawNetworkStreams and counts how many '\n' delimited lines have the word 'the' in them. This is useful for benchmarking purposes. This will only work with spark.streaming.util.RawTextSender running on all worker nodes and with Spark using Kryo serialization (set Java property "spark.serializer" to "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"). Usage: RawNetworkGrep <numStreams> <host> <port> <batchMillis> <numStream> is the number rawNetworkStreams, which should be same as number of work nodes in the cluster <host> is "localhost". <port> is the port on which RawTextSender is running in the worker nodes. <batchMillise> is the Spark Streaming batch duration in milliseconds.