To run this program use the following:
To run this program use the following:
MASTER=spark://foobar bin/run-example graphx.SynthBenchmark -app=pagerank
Options: -app "pagerank" or "cc" for pagerank or connected components. (Default: pagerank) -niters the number of iterations of pagerank to use (Default: 10) -nverts the number of vertices in the graph (Default: 1000000) -numEPart the number of edge partitions in the graph (Default: number of cores) -partStrategy the graph partitioning strategy to use -mu the mean parameter for the log-normal graph (Default: 4.0) -sigma the stdev parameter for the log-normal graph (Default: 1.3) -degFile the local file to save the degree information (Default: Empty) -seed seed to use for RNGs (Default: -1, picks seed randomly)
The SynthBenchmark application can be used to run various GraphX algorithms on synthetic log-normal graphs. The intent of this code is to enable users to profile the GraphX system without access to large graph datasets.