final classObjectHashSet[T <: AnyRef] extends Iterable[T] with Serializable
A fast hash set implementation for non-null data. This hash set supports
insertions and updates, but not deletions. It is much faster than Java's
standard HashSet while using much less memory overhead.
A special feature of this set is that it allows using the key objects
for storing additional data too and allows update of the same by the new
passed in key when it matches existing key in the map. Hence it can be
used as a more efficient map that uses a single object for both key and
value parts (and user's key object can be coded to be so).
Adapted from Spark's OpenHashSet implementation. It deliberately uses
java interfaces to keep byte code overheads minimal.
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Iterable[T], AnyRef, Any
A fast hash set implementation for non-null data. This hash set supports insertions and updates, but not deletions. It is much faster than Java's standard HashSet while using much less memory overhead.
A special feature of this set is that it allows using the key objects for storing additional data too and allows update of the same by the new passed in key when it matches existing key in the map. Hence it can be used as a more efficient map that uses a single object for both key and value parts (and user's key object can be coded to be so).
Adapted from Spark's OpenHashSet implementation. It deliberately uses java interfaces to keep byte code overheads minimal.