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SnappyData™ is a memory-optimized database based on Apache Spark. It delivers very high throughput, low latency, and high concurrency for unified analytic workloads that may combine streaming, interactive analytics, and artificial intelligence in a single, easy to manage distributed cluster.

In previous releases there were two editions namely, the Community Edition which was a fully functional core OSS distribution that was under the Apache Source License v2.0, and the Enterprise Edition which was sold by TIBCO Software under the name TIBCO ComputeDB™ that included everything offered in the OSS version along with additional capabilities that are closed source and only available as part of a licensed subscription.

The SnappyData team is pleased to announce the availability of version 1.3.0 of the platform in which all the platform's private modules have been made open-source apart from the streaming GemFire connector (which depends on non-OSS Pivotal GemFire product jars). These include Approximate Query Processing (AQP) and the JDBC connector repositories which also include the off-heap storage support for column tables and the security modules. In addition, the ODBC driver has also been made open-source. With this, the entire code base of the platform (apart from the GemFire connector) has been made open source and there is no longer an Enterprise edition distributed by TIBCO.

You can find details of the release artifacts towards the end of this page.

The full set of documentation for SnappyData including installation guide, user guide and reference guide can be found here.

The following table summarizes the high-level features available in the SnappyData platform:

Feature Available
Mutable Row and Column Store X
Compatibility with Spark X
Shared Nothing Persistence and HA X
REST API for Spark Job Submission X
Fault Tolerance for Driver X
Access to the system using JDBC Driver X
CLI for backup, restore, and export data X
Spark console extensions X
System Performance/behavior statistics X
Support for transactions in Row tables X
Support for indexing in Row tables X
Support for snapshot transactions in Column tables X
Online compaction of column block data X
Transparent disk overflow of large query results X
Support for external Hive meta store X
SQL extensions for stream processing X
SnappyData sink for structured stream processing X
Structured Streaming user interface X
Runtime deployment of packages and jars X
Scala code execution from SQL (EXEC SCALA) X
Out of the box support for cloud storage X
Support for Hadoop 3.2 X
SnappyData Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin X
Synopsis Data Engine for Approximate Querying X
Support for Synopsis Data Engine from TIBCO Spotfire® X
ODBC Driver with High Concurrency X
Off-heap data storage for column tables X
CDC Stream receiver for SQL Server into SnappyData X
Row Level Security X
Use encrypted password instead of clear text password X
Restrict Table, View, Function creation even in user’s own schema X
LDAP security interface X
GemFire connector

New Features

SnappyData 1.3.0 release includes the following new features over the previous 1.2.0 release:

  • Open sourcing of non-OSS components

    All components except for the streaming GemFire connector are now OSS! This includes the Approximate Querying Engine, off-heap storage for column tables, the streaming JDBC connector for CDC, security modules and the ODBC driver. All new OSS modules are available under the Apache Source License v2.0 like the rest of the product. Overall the new 1.3.0 OSS release is both more feature rich than the erstwhile 1.2.0 Enterprise product, and more efficient.

  • Online compaction of column block data

    Automatic online compaction of column blocks that have seen significant percentage of deletes or updates. The compaction is triggered in one of the foreground threads performing delete or update operations thus avoiding any "hidden" background operational costs of the platform. The ratio of data at which compaction is triggered can be configured using two cluster level (or system) properties:

    • snappydata.column.compactionRatio: the ratio of deletes that will trigger compaction (default 0.1)
    • snappydata.column.updateCompactionRatio: the ratio of updates that will trigger compaction (default 0.2)

  • Transparent disk overflow of large query results

    Queries that return large results have been a problem with Spark and SnappyData alike due to lack of streaming of the final results to application layer resulting in large heap consumption on the driver. There are properties like spark.driver.maxResultSize in Spark to altogether disallow large query results. SnappyData has had driver-side persistence of large results for JDBC/ODBC to reduce the memory pressure but even so fetching multi-GB results was not possible in most cases and would lead to OOME on driver or the server that is servicing the JDBC/ODBC client.

    This new feature adds disk overflow for large query results on the executors completely eliminating all memory problems for any size of results. It works when using the JDBC/ODBC driver and for the SnappySession.sql().toLocalIterator() API. Note that usage of any other Dataset APIs will result in creation of base Spark Dataset implementation that will not use disk overflow. A couple of cluster level (or system) properties can be used to fine-tune the behaviour:

    • spark.sql.maxMemoryResultSize: Maximum size of results from a JDBC/ODBC/SQL query in a partition that will be held in memory beyond which the results will be written to disk. A single disk file keeps growing to a maximum size 8 times this value beyond which a new disk file will be created. (default 4mb)
    • spark.sql.resultPersistenceTimeout: Maximum duration in seconds for which results overflowed to disk are held on disk after which they are cleaned up. (default 21600 i.e. 6 hours)

  • Eager cleanup of broadcast join data blocks

    The Dataset broadcast join operator uses the Spark broadcast variables to collect required data from the executors (when it is within the spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold limit) that is cached on the driver and executors using the BlockManager. The cleanup of this data uses weak references on driver which will be collected in some future GC cycle. When there are frequent queries that perform broadcast joins, then this causes large GC pressure on the nodes even though BlockManager will overflow data to disk after a point. This is because broadcast join is for relatively small data so when those start accumulating for long period of time, they get promoted to old generation which will lead to more frequent full GC cycles that are expensive. This is especially the case for executors since the cleanup is driven by GC on the driver that may happen far more infrequently than the executors, so the GC cycles may fail to clean up old data that has not exceeded the execution cache limit.

    This new feature eagerly removes broadcast join data blocks at the end of query from the executors (which can still fetch from driver on demand). For DML operations the broadcast blocks are removed from both the driver and the executors.

  • Hadoop upgraded to version 3.2.0 and added ADLS gen 1/2 connectivity

    Apache Hadoop has been upgraded to 3.2.0 from 2.7.x to allow support for newer components like Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) gen 2. The product now also ships with the ADLS gen 2 jars by default allowing support for ADLS out of the box.

  • Enable LRUCOUNT eviction for column tables to enable creation of disk-only column tables

    LRUCOUNT based eviction was disabled for column tables because the count would represent column blocks per data node while the number of rows being cached in memory would be indeterminate. This is now enabled to allow for cases like disk-only tables with minimal memory caching. So now one can create a column table like:

    create table diskTable (...) using column options(eviction_by 'lrucount 1')

    This will keep only one column block in memory which will be few MB at maximum (in practise only few KB since statistics blocks will be preferred for caching). Note that in the general case, LRUCOUNT based eviction for column tables will lead to indeterminate memory usage.

  • Spark layer updated to v2.1.3 (from v2.1.1)

    SnappyData Smart Connector will continue to support Apache Spark 2.1.1 as well as later 2.1.x releases.

  • JDBC driver now supports Java 11

    The JDBC driver is now compatible with Java 11 and higher. It will continue to be compatible with Java 8 like the rest of the product.

Apart from the above new features, the interactive execution of Scala code using EXEC SCALA SQL that was marked experimental in the previous release is now considered production ready.

ODBC Driver

Apart from open sourcing of the source code, the SnappyData ODBC Driver has also seen many enhancements over the previous TIBCO ComputeDB™ ODBC Driver 1.2.0 release:

  • Transparent reconnect to the cluster after failure

    If a connection to the cluster fails for some reason (network or anything else), then the driver will attempt to reconnect to the cluster on the next operation, including trying failover on all the available locators and servers of the cluster. This is enabled by setting the new AutoReconnect option to true (default is false).

  • Ability to read passwords securely from the system credential manager

    The new boolean CredentialManager option can be enabled to allow reading the login password as well as private SSL key password (for SSL mutual authentication) from the system credential manager. On Windows this uses the standard CredRead() API with type as CRED_TYPE_GENERIC so user must add the user name and password under Generic Windows Credentials, then provide the address key in the password fields. On Mac OSX the security tool is used to look up the password for the given value as provided in the password field. On Linux and other UNIXes, the secret-tool utility must be installed (libsecret-tools package on debian/ubuntu based systems, libsecret on most of the others) which is used to look up the password with the password field split on the first ':' to obtain the attribute and its value.

  • Set the default schema to use on the connection

    The default schema on a connection is normally set to the name as the user, and the user is granted read/write permissions to own schema by default. The new DefaultSchema option can be used to change it to a different value which is equivalent to the USE <SCHEMA> SQL statement.

  • New API implementations for SQLCancel and SQLCancelHandle and fixes to many existing ones

    The SQLCancel and SQLCancelHandle APIs are now implemented. A number of existing APIs including SQLPutData, SQLBindParameter, SQLGetDiagRec, SQLGetDiagField have seen bug fixes while SQLGetInfo has been enhanced.

  • Updated build dependencies Thrift, Boost, OpenSSL to new releases having many fixes

Stability and Performance Improvements

SnappyData 1.3.0 includes the following stability and performance improvements:

  • Bulk send for multiple statement close messages in hive-metastore getAllTables to substantially improve metastore performance.

  • Optimize putInto for small puts using a local cache. (PR#1563)

  • Increase default putInto join cache size to infinite and allow it to overflow to disk if large.

  • Switch to safe ThreadUtils await methods throughout the code and merge fixes for SPARK-13747. This fixes potential ThreadLocal leaks in RPC when using ForkJoinPool.

  • Cleanup to use a common SnapshotConnectionListener to handle snapshot transactions fixing cases of snapshots ending prematurely especially with the new column compaction feature.

  • Add caching of resolved relations in SnappySessionCatalog. This gives a large boost to Spark external table queries when the table metadata is large (for example, file based tables having millions of files).

  • Added boolean snappydata.sql.useDriverCollectForGroupBy property to allow driver do the direct collect of partial results for top-level GROUP BY. This avoids the last EXCHANGE for partial results of a GROUP BY query improving the performance substantially for sub-second queries. It should be enabled only when the final size of results of the query is known to be small else can cause heap memory issues on the driver.

  • Dashboard statistics collection now cleanly handles cases where the collection takes more time than its refresh interval (default 5 seconds). Previously it could cause multiple threads to pile up and miss updating results from a delayed collection thread.

  • Added a pool for UnsafeProjections created in ColumnDelta.mergeStats to reduce the overhead of generated code creation and compilation in every update.

  • For column table update/delete, make the output partitioning of ColumnTableScan to be ordered on bucketId. This avoids unnecessary local sort operators being introduced in the update/delete/put plans.

  • Continue for all SparkListener failures except OutOfMemoryException. This allows the product to continue working for cases where custom SparkListener supplied by user throws an exception.

  • Reduce overheads of EventTracker and TombstoneService to substantially decrease heap usage in applications doing continuous update/delete/put operations.

  • Merged pull request #2 from crabo/spark-multiversion-support to improve OldEtriesCleanThread and hot sync locks.

  • Removed fsync for DataDictionary that causes major performance issues for large hive metastore updates that also uses the DataDictionary. Replication of DataDictionary across all data nodes and locators ensures its resilience.

  • Merged patches for the following Spark issues for increased stability of the product:

    • SPARK-27065: Avoid more than one active task set managers for a stage (causes termination of DAGScheduler and thus the whole JVM).
    • SPARK-13747: Fix potential ThreadLocal leaks in RPC when using ForkJoinPool (can cause applications using ForkJoinPool to fail e.g. for scala's Await.ready/result).
    • SPARK-26352: Join reorder should not change the order of output attributes (can cause unexpected query failures or even JVM SEGV failures).
    • SPARK-25081: Nested spill in ShuffleExternalSorter should not access released memory page (can cause JVM SEGV and related failures).
    • SPARK-21907: NullPointerException in UnsafeExternalSorter.spill() due to OutOfMemory during spill.

Resolved Issues

SnappyData 1.3.0 resolves the following major issues:

  • SPARK-31918: SparkR support for R 4.0.0+

  • SNAP-3306: Row tables with altered schema having added columns causes failure in recovery mode:
    Allowing -1 as value for SchemaColumnId, for the case when the column is missing in the schema-version under consideration. This happens when it tries to read older rows, which doesn't have the new column. (PR#1529)

  • SNAP-3326: Allow option of replacing the StringType to desired SQL type (VARCHAR, CHAR, CLOB etc) when creating table by importing external table. The option string_type_as = [VARCHAR|CHAR|CLOB] now allows for switching to the required SQL type.

  • SDENT-175: Support for cancelling query via JDBC. (PR#1539)

  • SDENT-171: rand() alias in sub-select is not working. Fixed collectProjectsAndFilters for nondeterministic functions in PR#1541.

  • SDENT-187: Wrong results returned by queries against partitioned ROW table.
    Fix by handling EqualTo(Attribute, Attribute) case. (PR#1544)
    Second set of cases fixed by handling comparisons other than EqualTo. (PR#1546)

  • SDENT-199: Fix for select query with where clause showing the plan without metrics in SQL UI tab. (PR#1552)

  • SDENT-170: Return JDBC metadata in lower case. (Store PR#550)

  • SDENT-185: If connections to ComputeDB is opened, using both hostname and IP address, the ComputeDB ODBC driver throws a System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException.

  • SDENT-139: Exception in extracting SQLState (when it's not set or improper) masks original problem.

  • SDENT-195: Fix NPE by adding a null check for Statement instance before getting its maxRows value. (Store PR#559)

  • SDENT-194: Return the table type as just a table instead of ROW TABLE or COLUMN TABLE. (Store PR#560)

  • GITHUB-1559: JDBC ResultSet metadata search is not case-insensitive. Add upper-case names to search index of ClientResultSet. (PR#565)

  • SNAP-3332: PreparedStatement: Fix for precision/scale of DECIMAL parameter types not sent in execute causing them to be overwritten by another PreparedStatement. (PR#1562, Store PR#567)

  • Fix for occasional putInto/update test failures. (Store PR#568)

  • Native C++ driver (used by the ODBC driver) updated to the latest versions of library dependencies (thrift, boost, openssl) with many fixes.

  • Fixes to the scripts for bind-address and hostname-for-clients auto setup, hostname -I not available on some systems and others.

  • Switch eclipse-collections to fastutil due to being more comprehensive and better performance.

  • SNAP-3145: Test coverage for external hive metastore.

  • SNAP-3321: Example for EXEC SCALA via JDBC.

  • Expanded CDC and Data Extractor test coverage.

Known Issues

The following known issues in the previous 1.2.0 release have been fixed: SNAP-3306. Remaining are the same as in the Known Issues section of the 1.2.0 release notes.

Key Item Description Workaround
SNAP-1422 Catalog in Smart connector inconsistent with servers. Catalog in Smart connector is inconsistent with servers when a table is queried from spark-shell (or from an application that uses Smart connector mode) the table metadata is cached on the Smart connector side. If this table is dropped from the SnappyData Embedded cluster (by using snappy-shell, or JDBC application, or a Snappy job), the metadata on the Smart connector side stays cached even though the catalog has changed (table is dropped). In such cases, the user may see unexpected errors such as org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table "SNAPPYTABLE" already exists in the Smart connector app side, for example, for DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable() API if the same table name that was dropped is used in saveAsTable().
  • User may either create a new SnappySession in such scenarios
  • OR
  • Invalidate the cache on the Smart Connector mode. For example, by calling snappy.sessionCatalog.invalidateAll().
SNAP-1153 Creating a temporary table with the same name as an existing table in any schema should not be allowed. When creating a temporary table, the SnappyData catalog is not referred, which means, a temporary table with the same name as that of an existing SnappyData table can be created. Two tables with the same name lead to ambiguity during query execution and can either cause the query to fail or return the wrong results. Ensure that you create temporary tables with a unique name.
SNAP-2910 DataFrame API behavior in Spark, Snappy. Saving a Dataset using Spark's JDBC provider with SnappyData JDBC driver into SnappyData row/column tables fails. Use row or column provider in the Embedded or Smart connector. For Spark versions not supported by Smart connector, use the SnappyData JDBC Extension Connector.
SNAP-3148 Unicode escape character \u does not work for insert into table values() syntax. Escape character \u is used to indicate that code following \u is for a Unicode character but this does not work with insert into table values () syntax that is allowed for column and row tables. As a workaround, instead of insert into table values ('\u...', ...) syntax, use insert into table select '\u...', ... syntax. User can also directly insert the Unicode character instead of using an escape sequence.

For example: create table region (val string, description string) using column

The following insert query will insert a string value '\u7ca5' instead of a Unicode char:

insert into region values ('\u7ca5', 'unicode2')

However, following insert statement will insert the appropriate Unicode char:

insert into region select '\u7ca5', 'unicode2'

The following query that directly inserts a Unicode char instead of using escape char also works:

insert into region values ('粤','unicode2')
SNAP-3146 UDF execution from Smart Connector. A UDF, once executed from the smart connector side, continues to remain accessible from the same SnappySession on the Smart connector side, even if it is deleted from the embedded side. Drop the UDF from the Smart connector side or use a new SnappySession.
SNAP-3293 Cache optimized plan for plan caching instead of the physical plan. Currently, SnappyData caches the physical plan of the query for plan caching. Evaluating the physical plan may lead to an extra sampling job for some type of queries like view creations. Because of this, you may notice an extra job submitted while running the CREATE VIEW DDL if the view query contains some operations which require a sampling job. This may impact the performance of the CREATE VIEW query.
SNAP-3298 Credentials set in Hadoop configuration in the Spark context can be set only once without restarting the cluster. The credentials that are embedded in a FileSystem object. The object is cached in FileSystem cache. The cached object does not get refreshed when there is a configuration (credentials) change. Hence, it uses the initially set credentials even if you have set new credentials. Run the org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.closeAll() command on snappy-scala shell or using EXEC SCALA SQL or in a job. This clears the cache. Ensure that there are no queries running on the cluster when you are executing the command. After this you can set the new credentials.

Description of Download Artifacts

The following table describes the download artifacts included in SnappyData 1.3.0 release:

Artifact Name Description
snappydata-1.3.0-bin.tar.gz Full product binary (includes Hadoop 3.2.0).
snappydata-jdbc_2.11-1.3.0.jar JDBC client driver and push down JDBC data source for Spark. Compatible with Java 8, Java 11 and higher.
snappydata-core_2.11-1.3.0.jar The single jar needed in Smart Connector mode; an alternative to --packages option. Compatible with Spark versions 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC client drivers for Windows 64-bit platform.
snappydata-zeppelin_2.11- The Zeppelin interpreter jar for SnappyData compatible with Apache Zeppelin 0.8.2. The standard jdbc interpreter is now recommended instead of this. See How to Use Apache Zeppelin with SnappyData.
snappydata-1.3.0.sha256 The SHA256 checksums of the product artifacts. On Linux verify using sha256sum --check snappydata-1.3.0.sha256.
snappydata-1.3.0.sha256.asc PGP signature for snappydata-1.3.0.sha256 in ASCII format. Get the public key using gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys A7994CE77A24E5511A68727D8CED09EB8184C4D6. Then verify using gpg --verify snappydata-1.3.0.sha256.asc which should show a good signature using that key having as the email.