Januar 2022 release

Discover, Januar 2022 release

What’s new in the January 2022 release of Project Discover™ ? This release contains the following new features

  • Process documentation: available to TIBCO Cloud Nimbus customers, you can now generate a Nimbus map to document the discovered variants.
  • Filter panel overlay enhancement: you now have the ability to Filter In/Out on both Events/Cases. Also, the filter dialog can now be maximized for better usability.
  • A new visualization is added to several pages of the Spotfire templates: the ‘icicle’ mod allows to dynamically navigate the data associated with events. You can use it both for filtering and navigation purpose. Think about it as a sort of combination of a tree map and a cross table.
  • We added documentation to the preview Spotfire DXP, allowing to define filters as pre-processing.
  • Bug fixes

keep your feedbacks coming!