




constructor(location: Location, sharedStateService: TcSharedStateService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
location Location No
sharedStateService TcSharedStateService No


Static buildFormTag
buildFormTag(applicationName: string, applicationInternalName: string, processType: string, processName: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
applicationName string No
applicationInternalName string No
processType string No
processName string No
Returns : FormRef
Public createFormConfig
createFormConfig(sandboxId: number, uiAppId: string, formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
uiAppId string No
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : any
Static getCustomFormTags
getCustomFormTags(formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : string[]
Public getFormConfig
getFormConfig(uiAppId: string, useCache: boolean, flushCache: boolean)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
uiAppId string No
useCache boolean No
flushCache boolean No
Public getLayoutFromConfig
getLayoutFromConfig(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formTag string No
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : any[]
Static getProcessFormConfig
getProcessFormConfig(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formTag string No
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : ProcessFormConfig
Static parseFormTag
parseFormTag(formTag: FormRef)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formTag FormRef No
Returns : string
Static setCustomFormTag
setCustomFormTag(formRef: FormRef, formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formRef FormRef No
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : FormConfig
Static unsetCustomFormTag
unsetCustomFormTag(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
formTag string No
formConfig FormConfig No
Returns : FormConfig
Public updateFormConfig
updateFormConfig(sandboxId: number, uiAppId: string, formConfig: FormConfig, id: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
sandboxId number No
uiAppId string No
formConfig FormConfig No
id string No
Returns : any
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {flatMap, map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import {TcSharedStateService, TcCoreCommonFunctions, SharedStateContent, SharedStateEntry, SharedStateList} from '@tibco-tcstk/tc-core-lib';
import {FormConfig, FormRef, ProcessFormConfig} from '../models/tc-liveapps-config';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class TcFormConfigService {

  constructor(private location: Location, private sharedStateService: TcSharedStateService) {

  static parseFormTag(formTag: FormRef): string {
    return formTag.applicationName + '.' + formTag.applicationInternalName + '.' + formTag.processType + '.' + formTag.processName;

  static buildFormTag(applicationName: string, applicationInternalName: string, processType: string, processName: string): FormRef {
    return new FormRef().deserialize(

  static getProcessFormConfig(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig): ProcessFormConfig {
    let pfc;
    if (formConfig && formConfig.processFormConfigs) {
      pfc = formConfig.processFormConfigs.filter(fc => {
        return fc.formTag === formTag;
    return (pfc && pfc.length > 0) ? pfc[0] : undefined;

  public static getCustomFormTags(formConfig: FormConfig): string[] {
    const formRefs = [];
    formConfig.processFormConfigs.forEach((processFormConfig: ProcessFormConfig) => {
      if (processFormConfig.externalForm) {
    return formRefs;

  public static setCustomFormTag(formRef: FormRef, formConfig: FormConfig): FormConfig {
    // set processFormConfigs externalForm to true or add a new one
    const formTag: string = TcFormConfigService.parseFormTag(formRef);
    let found = false;
    if (!formConfig.processFormConfigs) {
      formConfig.processFormConfigs = [];
    const foundConfigs = formConfig.processFormConfigs.forEach((processFormConfig: ProcessFormConfig) => {
      if (processFormConfig.formTag === formTag) {
        processFormConfig.externalForm = true;
        found = true;
    if (!found) {
      formConfig.processFormConfigs.push(new ProcessFormConfig().deserialize(
          processId: 'custom',
          processType: 'custom',
          layout: undefined,
          data: undefined,
          externalForm: true
    return formConfig;

  public static unsetCustomFormTag(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig): FormConfig {
    // set processFormConfigs externalForm to false
    // removes it if type is custom
    const toRemove: ProcessFormConfig[] = [];
    formConfig.processFormConfigs.forEach((processFormConfig: ProcessFormConfig) => {
        if (processFormConfig.formTag === formTag) {
          if (processFormConfig.processType === 'custom' && processFormConfig.processId === 'custom') {
          } else {
            processFormConfig.externalForm = false;
    // return without the ones we want to delete
    if (toRemove.length > 0) {
      formConfig.processFormConfigs = formConfig.processFormConfigs.filter((config: ProcessFormConfig) => {
        return !toRemove.find((candidate: ProcessFormConfig) => {
          return candidate.formTag === config.formTag;
    return formConfig;

  public getLayoutFromConfig(formTag: string, formConfig: FormConfig): any[] {
    let layout: any[];
    if (formConfig && formConfig.processFormConfigs) {
      const foundConfigs = formConfig.processFormConfigs.filter(pfc => {
        return pfc.formTag === formTag;
      if (foundConfigs && foundConfigs.length > 0) {
        layout = foundConfigs[0].layout ? TcCoreCommonFunctions.parseLayoutString(foundConfigs[0].layout) : undefined;
    return layout;

  public createFormConfig(sandboxId: number, uiAppId: string, formConfig: FormConfig) {
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.form.config.tibcolabs.client.context.PUBLIC';
    const content: SharedStateContent = new SharedStateContent();
    content.json = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify(formConfig));

    return this.sharedStateService.createSharedState(ssName, 'PUBLIC', '', sandboxId, undefined, undefined, undefined, content)
        map(value => value)

  public getFormConfig(uiAppId: string, useCache: boolean, flushCache: boolean): Observable<FormConfig> {
    // if useCache is false this will trigger the service to update the cached version with latest
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.form.config.tibcolabs.client.context.PUBLIC';

    return this.sharedStateService.getSharedState(ssName, 'PUBLIC', useCache, flushCache)
        map(value => {
            if (value.sharedStateEntries.length > 0) {
              const ssresult = new FormConfig().deserialize(JSON.parse(value.sharedStateEntries[0].content.json));
     = value.sharedStateEntries[0].id;
              return ssresult;
            } else {
              return undefined;

  public updateFormConfig(sandboxId: number, uiAppId: string, formConfig: FormConfig, id: string) {
    const ssName = uiAppId + '.form.config.tibcolabs.client.context.PUBLIC';
    const content: SharedStateContent = new SharedStateContent();
    content.json = TcCoreCommonFunctions.escapeString(JSON.stringify(formConfig));
    const entry: SharedStateEntry = new SharedStateEntry();
    entry.content = content;
    entry.sandboxId = sandboxId; = ssName;
    entry.type = 'PUBLIC'; = id;
    const ssList: SharedStateList = new SharedStateList();
    ssList.sharedStateEntries = [];

    return this.sharedStateService.updateSharedState(ssList.sharedStateEntries)
        flatMap(value => {
          // flush the cache and return new value
          return this.getFormConfig(uiAppId, true, true);
          // return new FormConfig().deserialize((JSON.parse(value.sharedStateEntries[0].content.json)));

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""